Health Minister Hopes Bahrainization Reaches 80% in Nursing Sector within 2 Years
Health Minister Faeqa Saeed Al-Saleh said that she "hopes" Bahrainization level in nursing field would increase to reach 80% within two years, a local newspaper reported.
Civil Service Bureau President Absent from National Employment Project, Is It Being Taken Seriously?
Bahraini Government not taking decision to abolish the parallel Bahrainization system, and the absence of the head of the Civil Service Bureau from the press conference are enough to know that the project launched by the PM is nothing but circumvention by the government.
Parliament Forms Commission of Inquiry on "Bahrainization of Jobs in Both Sectors"
The House of Representatives in its meeting on Tuesday, February 26, 2019, approved the formation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry on �the Bahrainization of jobs in the public and private sectors�.
Naturalized Businessman Says to Bahrainis: There�s No Feather on Your Head
Amid the huge national consensus on the Bahrainization of jobs issue, demanding that the preferential treatment given to foreigners over Bahrainis in employment in both the public and private sectors be put to an end, a discordant voice emerged, but this was not surprising at all.