7 Political Societies Denounce Reduction of Parliamentary Powers: It'll Not be Last Step Amid Gov't Control over Majority of MPs
Seven Bahraini political societies issued a statement on Friday (April 23, 2021), in which they voiced their condemnation of the decision reducing the powers of the Parliament, especially the stances of members of parliament who voted in favor or those who abstained from voting, thus allowing the law to be passed.
Nationalist Democratic, Al-Menbar Societies Welcome Decision to Release Dozens of Prisoners, Call for Comprehensive and National Reconciliation
Both the Nationalist Democratic and Al-Menbar societies welcomed the King�s decree which pardoned 269 inmates and convicts and the royal directives to implement the alternative penalty law in cases of 530 prisoners.
Nationalist Assembly Calls on Bahrain Gov�t to Back Down from Hosting 1st Conference of �Deal of the Century�
The Nationalist Democratic Assembly announced its opposition to all steps and forms of normalization with the Zionist entity, and its rejection of the economic workshop �Peace for Prosperity� to be held in Bahrain.
Justice Ministry Prevents Seminar Discussing March 1965 Uprising in Nationalist Democratic Assembly
Nationalist Democratic Assembly announced on Thursday (March 7, 2019) that the justice ministry prevented it from holding a seminar at the society's headquarters about the March uprising that took place in 1965.
Opposition Society Cancels Seminar after Justice Ministry Pressure to Prevent Ibrahim Sharif�s Participation
The Nationalist Democratic Assembly announced the cancellation of a seminar after pressure from the Bahraini Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs, which demanded preventing opposition leader Ibrahim Sharif�s participation in the event.