� Bin Sheddah Mosque Imam
Bahrain Asks 18 Bangladeshis Working in Mosques to Leave Country
Bahraini local media reported that the Sunni Awqaf (Endowments) in Bahrain has dismissed 18 Bangladeshi nationals from working in mosques since one of the muezzins killed an imam of a mosque, where he works, and chopped his body into pieces.
Muezzin, Killer of Bin Sheddah Mosque Imam Sentenced to Death
A Bahraini court sentenced a muezzin (an Asian national) to death on Wednesday (October 31, 2018) for killing and dismembering a mosque imam
Sunni Cleric Accuses Awqaf of Deliberately not Hiring Bahraini Muezzins
A Sunni cleric accused the Department of Sunni Endowments (Waqf) of deliberately not recruiting Bahraini Muezzins, noting that the Department of Awqaf is controlled by political societies.
VIDEO: Mass Funeral Procession Held in Muharraq for Sunni Mosque Imam Killed by Asian Muezzin
A Sunni mosque imam who was brutally killed by an associate of his, who worked as a Muezzin at the mosque.