� 14th February Uprising
On its 18 Anniv.: Al-Wefaq Says We will Continue with our People in Fighting Tyranny and Corruption
On the 18th anniversary of its establishment, a statement issued by Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, which began its work on November 7, 2001, confirmed that this establishment resulted from the accumulation of long decades of national struggles.
Al-Wefaq Marking Bahraini Women�s Day: Regime Arrested 990 Women since Start of Popular Movement
The Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society issued a statement marking the Bahraini Women�s Day in which it said that �the Bahraini regime has carried out 990 arrests of Bahraini women since the start of the popular movement demanding freedom, democracy and social justice.�
BFHR: 145 Violations Monitored on 7th Anniversary of 14th Feb. Uprising
The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) said that 145 serious human rights violations were observed in one day, coinciding with the February 14 anniversary.