Sayed Al-Ghuraifi: Ayatollah Qassim Needs to Stay in Britain to Finish his Treatment
Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi, a prominent Bahraini Shiite cleric, said that the spiritual leader of Shia majority, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, needs to stay in London to finish his treatment.
Al-Ghuraifi Says Sheikh Isa Qassim�s Health Situation Stable, He Has High Spirit
Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi, one of senior Shiite clerics in Bahrain, said that the health situation of spiritual leader of Shiite cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim is �stable�.
Al-Ghuraifi Calls Not to Politicize Treatment of Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim
Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi, one of the senior Shiite clerics in the country, called not to politicize the treatment of spiritual leader of Shia majority, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim.
Al-Ghuraifi: Ayatollah Qassim�s Doctors Said Treatment Should be Outside Bahrain
Prominent Shiite cleric Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi stressed that Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim met with specialized doctors �to discuss his health condition,� adding that they said that he has to receive treatment abroad.
Senior Shiite Clerics in Statement: We Hope Step to Overrule Death Sentences Will Affect Remaining Inmates, Look Forward to Nation with No Prisoners
Bahrain's top Shiite clerics described in a statement the decision to �overrule the death sentences� of those accused of plotting to assassinate the army chief as �a welcomed and praised step.�
Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi Returns to Bahrain after Undergoing Medical Examinations Abroad
Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi, senior Shiite cleric in Bahrain, returned to Bahrain from Thailand after undergoing medical examinations there.
Cleric Sayed Al-Ghuraifi�s Office Reassures He�s in Good Condition after Undergoing Medical Examinations Abroad
Office of Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraif reassures that Al-Ghuraifi is in good condition after undergoing medical examinations in the Kingdom of Thailand.
Sayed Al-Ghuraifi Arrives in Thailand in Treatment Trip
Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi, one of Shiite senior clerics, arrived in Thailand on Wednesday (April 11, 2018), in a treatment trip that lasts for days.
VIDEO: Sayed Ghoraifi Takes Part in Freedom Martyrs� Funeral in Karbabad
The prominent Bahraini Shiite cleric, Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghoraifi, took part in the funeral of the martyrs of freedom in the eastern part of Karababad, according to a video clip posted by activists.
VIDEO: Sayed Ghuraifi: What Use are Skyscrapers when the Country is Full of Impoverished people
Bahraini prominent Shiite cleric, Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi, said that the �high cost of livelihood� has become a terrifying ghost hunting the people of this country affecting all its sects and components.