7 Political Societies Denounce Reduction of Parliamentary Powers: It'll Not be Last Step Amid Gov't Control over Majority of MPs
Seven Bahraini political societies issued a statement on Friday (April 23, 2021), in which they voiced their condemnation of the decision reducing the powers of the Parliament, especially the stances of members of parliament who voted in favor or those who abstained from voting, thus allowing the law to be passed.
Royal Court Leads Inflammatory Campaigns
Although Al-Bandar report was repeatedly mentioned in press reports, some people haven�t been acquainted with the report and its details. However, what happened last week draws a clear picture of how fake public opinion is created and how inflammatory campaigns are launched by the Royal court, same as Al-Bandar report.
MoI Accuses Sayed Al-Ghuraifi of Showing Sympathy for Terrorism
The Bahraini Ministry of Interior accused Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi, the highest religious authority of Shiites in Bahrain, of showing sympathy for terrorist acts.
Bahrain: National Unity Assembly Member Abdullah Junaid Appears on Israeli Channel 10
Israeli Channel 10 interviewed former member of the Bahrain National Unity Assembly, in a new sign revealing Bahraini King Hamad�s orientation towards normalizing his country�s relations with Israel.