Geneva: Finland Demands Bahrain Guarantees Independence of SIU
Finland demanded the Bahraini government to guarantee the independence of the Public Prosecution�s Special Investigations Unit (SIU), which investigates cases in violations committed by police and security men.
Geneva: France Demands Bahrain to Unconditionally Abolish Death Penalties
France expressed concern over resorting to implement the death penalty in Bahrain, calling on it to immediately and unconditionally abolish this penalty.
Geneva: Estonia Frustrated over Travel Ban on Activists including Sayed Hadi al-Moussawi
Estonia expressed great frustration over the travel ban the Bahrain imposed on human rights activists, including Sayed Hadi al-Moussawi.
Geneva: Cyprus Calls on Bahrain to Ratify Convention against Torture
Cyprus called on the government on Bahrain to ratify the Convention against Torture.
Geneva: Czech Republic Warns of Exploiting Terrorism Law to Pursue Opponents in Bahrain
Czech Republic demanded the government of Bahrain to guarantee accountability against those perpetrating acts of torture and human rights violations. It also called on Bahrain to open the doors for victims to litigate and be compensated, while reiterating the need to ratify the Convention against Torture.
Geneva: Denmark Says Jaw Prison Condition Deteriorating, Bahrain Doesn�t Prosecute Perpetrators
Denmark said that the government of Bahrain has not prosecuted those involved in human rights violations, despite the establishment of accountability institutions and others involved in human rights.
Geneva: Brazil Demands Bahrain to Adopt Measures against Discrimination on Basis of Religion, Belief
Brazil demanded the government of Bahrain to adopt measures to combat intolerance, discrimination and incitement of violence on the basis of religion and belief.
Geneva: Chile Concerned over Torture Complaints in Bahrain�s Criminal Investigations Building
Chile expressed its deep concern over complaints of torture in the criminal investigations building and detentions centers in Bahrain, which reportedly take place during investigations.
Geneva: Canada Demands Bahrain to halt Dissolutions of Opposition Parties
Canada demanded the government of Bahrain to halt its policy of dissolving opposition political parties, and urged it to allow peaceful protests and abolish penalties on assembly.
Geneva: Bulgaria says Bahrain HR Records in Decline with Death Penalties
Bulgaria said that Bahrain registered a decline in its human rights record after its execution of death penalties early this year.
Geneva: Botswana Concerned over Shiites Persecution, HR Activists Repression in Bahrain
Botswana expressed deep concern over the persecution of Shiites and the repression of Human Rights activists in Bahrain.
Geneva: Belgium Demands Bahrain to Halt Arbitrary Citizenship Revocations
Belgium demanded the government of Bahrain to stop arbitrary citizenship revocations against citizens, and demanding it fully implements the recommendations of the (BICI) � Bassiouni report.
Geneva: Australia Calls Bahrain to Implement Bassiouni Recommendations, Resort to Reconciliation
Australia expressed grave concern from Bahrain�s execution of death penalties, demanding it to revoke this penalty, and implement the recommendations of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) � Bassiouni report.
Geneva: Austria Calls on Bahrain to Halt Death Penalties, Allow Visit of UN Special Rapporteur on Torture
Austria demanded Bahrain to immediately halt death penalties and allow the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture to visit the country.
Geneva: UK Criticizes Bahrain�s Resorting to Death Penalties & Citizenship Revocation
The UK criticized Bahrain adopting policies of death penalties and citizenship revocations.
Angola &Argentina Call on Bahrain to Eliminate Death Penalty
Angola and Argentina recommended Bahrain to immediately cancel all death penalties against citizens.
Geneva: Switzerland Regrets Bahrain hasn�t Implemented BICI Recommendations, Criticizes Repressive Measures against Activists
Switzerland regretted that Bahrain has not implemented all recommendations of the BICI report and criticized what it called reprisal measures against Human Rights activists and banning their travel to Geneva.
Geneva: Sweden Demands Bahrain to Halt Dissolution of Opposing Political Societies
Sweden demanded Bahrain to halt dissolution of opposing political societies and lift restrictions on freedom of association and assembly, especially among Shiite citizens.
Geneva: Spain Demands Bahrain to Develop National Machinery to Combat Torture & Eliminate Death Penalty
The Kingdom of Spain demanded Bahrain to develop a national machinery to combat torture and completely cancel death penalty.
Geneva: Slovenia Demands Bahrain to Set Timetable to Implement HRC Recommendations
Slovenia demanded Bahrain to set a timetable to implement HRC recommendations.