� Universities
NAO Report: Non-Bahraini University Professors Hold Certificates from Unaccredited Universities
The Financial and Administrative National Audit Office stated in its report for 2017 and 2018 that the Higher Education Council does not present the qualifications of academic members of universities, who are non-Bahrainis to the National Qualifications Committee.
Court Binds University to Pay 47000 BD for 4 Gulf National Students
The High Administrative Court bound one of the private universities to pay 47000 BD for 4 Gulf national students, because the university didn�t graduate them after passing the courses they registered in, due to a university administrative error.
Parliamentary Services Committee Approves Increasing Unemployment Insurance, Dismissal Compensations Rate
The Bahraini Parliamentary Services Committee approved a law proposal to amend some provisions of Decree Law No. (78) of 2006 pertaining to unemployment insurance