Scathing Comments on Labor Minister Statement: MPs Comment on Twitter Instead of Parliament
Bahraini ministers who live in luxury villas, and receive monthly salaries and allowances that exceed 7,000 dinars, and enjoy expensive material and livelihood privileges, do not stop issuing statements, from time to time, that provoke Bahrainis who complain about poor financial conditions.
Labor Ministry: 25,000 Foreigners Benefited from Flexible Work Permit since its Application
The Ministry of Labor and Social Development said 25,000 foreigners have benefited from flexible work permits in two years and four months since the law was applied.
Pilots Union Sues Labor Minister for Refusing to Hand in "Deposit Receipt"
The Gulf Air Pilots Union said it hired a lawyer to file a lawsuit against the Minister of Labor after the ministry refused to hand them over the deposit receipt, despite fulfilling the requirements.
Summer Afternoon Outdoor Work Ban Ends, Ministry Documents 56 Violations
The outdoor afternoon work ban has ended as of August 31, 2019.
Unemployed High Degree Holders 5028, 1809 Foreigners in Medical Jobs
MP Ibrahim Al-Nafei revealed that the competent parties didn't Bahrainize jobs in the public and private sectors. The MP said that the requests of unemployed high degree holders in the Ministry of works and social affairs reached 5028 in 2018, while 612 requests were closed in the same year.
Labor Ministry Disappoints Citizens Again: Companies and Institutions are not Obliged to Prioritize Bahrainis Employment
Bahraini Undersecretary of Ministry of Labor Sabah Al-Dosari said that companies and institutions are not obligated to prioritize Bahraini employment, as the Bahraini economy is an open economy.
GFBTU Calls on Bapco Leased Workers not to Sign Tatweer Offers under Pressure
The General Federation of Bahraini Trade Unions (GFBTU) Hassan Al-Halwaji called upon the leased workers of Bapco to take their time before accepting "Tatweer's" offer, stating that a call has been made to the Ministry of Labor and union regarding this topic.
VIVA Dismisses 5 Bahrainis after Acquisition of �Menatelecom�
Viva Telecommunication Company dismissed 5 Bahrainis after its acquisition of Menatelecom Telecommunication Company. Meanwhile, it transferred dependency of number of employees to other companies while still working at Menatelecom.
Prime Minister Issues Edict Transferring, Appointing Labour Ministry Directors
Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa issued Edict 2/2018 transferring and appointing directors at the Ministry of Labour and Social Development.
Labour Ministry Increases Minimum Wage: 450 for Graduates and 300 for Non-Graduates
Bahraini Undersecretary of Ministry of Labor Sabah Al-Dosari said the ministry, with the cooperation of the Labour Fund (Tamkeen), raised the ceiling of wages subsidies for Bahrainis working in the private sector from 400 to 450 BD for graduates and from 270 to 300 BD for non-graduates.
Complaints about Delay in Paying Unemployed Benefits for over 6 Months
A number of unemployed and dismissed people complained about the delay in paying the unemployment benefits after more than 6 months on submitting their applications to the Ministry of Labour and Social Development.
Unemployed Complain Surplus in Unemployment Insurance Fund
Unemployed citizens demanded to spend the financial savings of the unemployment insurance fund through establishing development projects to engage and employ unemployed citizens in order to put an end to unemployment, instead of the training programs that do not suit the unemployed specialties.
PM Issues Edict Appointing 14 Directors at Ministry of Labour and Social Development
Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa issued Edict appointing directors at the Ministry of Labour and Social Development.
Labour Ministry Negotiates with Two Companies to Pay Salaries of 50 Workers
Labour Affairs Undersecretary in Labour and Social Development Ministry Sabah Al-Dossary said that the ministry is negotiating with two companies to solve the problems of delayed salaries of about 50 Bahraini and foreign workers.
Labour Ministry to Refer 80 Establishments to Prosecution for Violating Afternoon Work Ban Decision
Labour Affairs Undersecretary in Labour and Social Development Ministry Sabah Al-Dossary said that 30 inspectors were assigned to follow up the implementation of afternoon work ban decision, indicating that the inspectors monitored violation in 80 establishments on 155 labors. Al-Dossary added that these establishments are to be referred to the prosecution.
Bahraini Workers Protest before Labour Ministry, demanding their over 4-Month Unpaid Wages
A number of Bahraini labourers protested on Monday (May 15, 2017) before the Ministry of Labour, demanding that they get paid their wages that have been reportedly delayed for over the past four months.
Ministry of Labour: Over 7000 Bahrainis Retired Last Year due to Fears of Changing Pension System
Labour and Social Development Minister Jameel Humaidan stressed that over 7000 Bahrainis retired in 2016 due to what he called �rumours about changing retirement benefits�.
MoL Prohibits Local Societies, Organizations from Accepting Foreign Scholarships without Gov�t Approval
The Director of NGO Support at the Bahraini Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Najwa Janahi, issued a circular prohibiting civil society organizations supervised by the Ministry, from accepting any offers from foreign embassies
60 Female Bahraini Employees Dismissed from Ministry of Works
The Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning dismissed 60 female Bahraini employees under the pretext of their contracts� termination.
Labor Ministry Says it Offered 66 Temp. Female Municipality Workers New Jobs with Higher Salaries
The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Sabah Al Dosari, said that his ministry proposed to temporary female workers in the Ministry of Work, Municipality Affairs and Urban Planning, better positions with higher salaries.