Bahrain: 3 Billion BD Surplus in 2022 Budget, for Ruling Family Pockets or Public Interest?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects Bahrain's oil revenues to rise by 39% with the increase of oil prices, giving Bahrain wider options to deal with its financial crisis and public debt
Bahrain Deficit to Reach 8% of GDP, Gulf States Budgets Deficit Touches 267 Billion
A recent report by "Arqaam Capital" predicted that the economies of the Gulf States will suffer a significant deficit for 2020 fiscal year, amid major pressures resulting from the sharp fall in oil prices and consequences of the Coronavirus outbreak.
Financing Voluntary Retirement from Unemployment Fund to be Passed after Approval of Shura Council Services Committee
The Shura Council Services Committee approved the bill submitted by the government to fund "voluntary retirement" from the Unemployment Fund and referred it for voting.
Bahrain Gov�t Plans on Collecting 1 Billion and 100 Million in Taxes and Duties
�Once you pop, you can�t stop�: This Pringles advertised slogan applies to what the Bahraini government is doing to its citizens. The pockets of Bahrainis have been popped and devoured in the name of taxes and duties and the authorities don�t seem willing to stop anytime soon, as the government plans on collecting one billion and 100 million in two years.
State Budget: Government Failed to Raise Non-Oil Revenues
The Bahrain state budget for the years 2019-2020 showed no increase in non-oil revenues, which confirms the government's failure to diversify sources of income and rely on oil revenues.
Budget Estimates $60 per Oil Barrel, Deficit at 1 Billion and 321 Million Dinars
The Bahraini state general budget for the fiscal years 2019 and 2020 estimated the state revenues at BD 5 billion and 619 million, and BD 6 billion and 939 million, thus reaching a deficit rate of 4% for the year 2019, amounting to BD 708 million and 4.9% for the year 2020, amounting to 613 million dinars.
Projects Budget Decreased by 260 Million Dinars, the Gulf Support Provides almost 1 Billion Dinars
The budget of projects in the draft general budget decreased to 400 million dinars for the years 2019-2020 after it was at 660 million dinars in the past two years.
Report: Bahrain Increases Spending on Armament by Double in 2016
British defense and intelligence publication HS Jane�s report revealed that Bahrain increase spending on armament by over double.