Diyaa Ayyad: Life Term against Bahrain�s Mandela: �Incriminating Evidence� Constitute Evidence for his Acquittal
Through the incriminating evidence the ruling family presented via the judiciary, it was, in fact, providing evidence for Sheikh Ali Salman�s acquittal, according to observers.
Australia Supported Hakeem the Human Being While Bahrain Gov�t Tried to Violate his Humanity, Says Former MP
The Government of Bahrain demanded returning Hakeem Al-Araibi back to prison from Thailand while the Australian authorities return the FIFA player to Australian territory and will grant him citizenship in recognition of his efforts, said former Bahraini member of parliament Ali Al-Aswad.
UN Raises Serious Doubts whether Bahrain Opposition Leaders Got Fair Trial
The UN Human Rights Office said on Friday there were �serious doubts� whether three Bahraini opposition leaders were given a fair trial after Bahrain�s highest court upheld this week their life sentences on charges of spying for Qatar.
Washington Says Life Term against Sheikh Ali Salman Narrows space for Free Expression and Political Activity in Bahrain
The US Department of State said that the verdict issued by the cassation court in Bahrain against the opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman "narrows the space for free expression and political activity" in the country.
EU: Ruling on Opposition Leader and his Two Companions Undermines Residual Chances for Inclusive Political Dialogue Bahrain
The European Union stressed that the "final verdict [issued on Monday] marks a further step against dissenting voices and undermines the residual chances for an inclusive political dialogue in the Kingdom of Bahrain."
Hezbollah Condemns Ruling on Opposition Leader and his Companions in Bahrain
Hezbollah strongly condemned the Bahraini Court of Cassation's sentence to life imprisonment against opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman and former deputies Sheikh Hasan Sultan and Ali Al-Aswad on charges of "communicating with the State of Qatar."
Al-Wefaq: Regime will Remain Illegitimate after Upholding Sentence against Opposition Leader Sheikh Ali Salman
The Bahraini regime's courts issued a final life sentence against Bahrain's national opposition leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, and two former Al-Wefaq MPs today, Monday, January 28, 2019.
Government Took Constitutional Oath before King, Ali Al-Aswad Comments: Government of Nepotism and family Accounts, the Coming is Worse
The new government, presided by Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, took the constitutional oath before King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa at the Sakhir Palace, according to Bahrain News Agency.
Former Opposing MP: Al-Khawalids� Attempt to Overthrow Khalifa bin Salman Failed
Former Al-Wefaq MP Ali Al-Aswad said that the attempts to overthrow Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa by Al-Khawalid wing last summer failed, despite some Gulf States� desire to topple him.
Ali Al-Aswad: No Use of Going to Ballot Boxes, Regime Only Wants to Whitewash Image
Former Al-Wefaq MP Ali Al-Aswad compared in a series of tweets the regime's project to that of the opposition, explaining that the Bahraini authorities �seek to produce elections for a parliament that has lost popular legitimacy and without any legislative or regulatory tools. Meanwhile, the opposition democratic forces in Bahrain, despite all the violations practiced against them and arrests, talk about an inclusive political project summarized by the Manama Document.�
After Denying its Involvement in �Spy� Case, Manama Accuses Qatar of Abusing Integrity of Judiciary in Bahrain
Bahraini Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected the statement issued by the Government of Qatar which condemned mentioning its name in the �Spy Case� in which opposition leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, is accused and sentenced to life in jail.
Al-Aswad to Int�l Community: For those who ask us about Elections Boycott, we ask them about their Silence towards Keeping Opposition Leader in jail
Al-Wefaq former MP Ali Al-Aswad said that �the life term sentences are the clearest examples on farce of justice in Bahrain�.
Amnesty: Verdict against Sheikh Ali Salman Demonstrates Bahraini Authorities� Ongoing Arbitrary Policies
Amnesty International said the Appeals court�s decision against opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman demonstrates the Bahraini authorities' relentless and unlawful efforts to silence any form of dissent.
BFHR Calls for Freezing Bahrain's Membership in ICCPR after Sheikh Ali Salman�s Life Sentence
The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) called on member states of the Human Rights Council to freeze Bahrain's membership in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which the government had joined under Law No. 56 of 2006 issued on August 12, 2006.
Al-Wefaq after Sheikh Salman�s Life Sentence: Verdict Reflects Magnitude of Chaos and Regime�s State of Dependency
The National Islamic Al-Wefaq Society confirmed that the Bahraini judiciary has become a tool in the hands of the ruling authority. "Issuing a life sentence against the opposition leader after a previous acquittal ruling reflects the magnitude of chaos and subordination, which is no secret to anyone,� it said.
President of SALAM Organization Says Verdict against Sheikh Ali Salman Political Revenge
President of SALAM for Democracy and Human Rights, Jawad Fayrouz, said today that the ruling against opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman and the two former MPs of the opposition bloc, Sheikh Hassan Sultan and Ali Al-Aswad, is an act of "political revenge with distinction.�
SALAM: Sentence against Opposition Leader Issued by Unjust Judiciary and Unfair Trial
SALAM for Democracy and Human Rights said that �the verdict issued against the leader of the opposition, based on the US-Gulf mediation, has been made in an unfair trial and by an non-independent judiciary, but rather by a tool of repression used by the authorities in Bahrain.�
Bahrain: Life imprisonment for Opposition Leader on Charges of "Communicating with Qatar"
Bahrain's Court of Appeals sentenced on Sunday (November 4, 2018) opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman and senior opposition officials Sheikh Hassan Sultan and Ali Al-Aswad to life in prison for "communicating with Qatar."
Former MP: We Want Political Partnership, Not Nominal Participation
Al-Wefaq former MP Ali Al-Aswad said that "participating in the elections in Bahrain doesn't mean political partnership".
Acquittal Appeals of Sheikh Ali Salman Adjourned to November 4 for Sentencing
The High Appeal Court decided to postpone the acquittal appeals of Sheikh Ali Salman, Secretary-General of Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, to November 4, 2018.