Bahrain Between External Peace and Internal Reconciliation: Unresolved Issues Require Fundamental Solutions
In an interview, former opposition MP Ali Al-Aswad from the Al-Wefaq bloc asserted that international peace is unattainable without internal peace in Bahrain.
Forcibly Exiled MPs to IPU Secretary-General: Bahrain Very Distant from Implementing Principles You Promote
Forcibly exiled Bahraini MPs called on Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Secretary-General Martin Chungong to demand Bahrain, which is currently hosting the IPU 146th General Assembly, to release all political prisoners, on top Al-Wefaq Secretary-General and former MP Sheikh Ali Salman as well as former MP Sheikh Hasan Isa.
Ali Al-Aswad: The Speaker of the Bahraini House of Representatives Said It
We listened to the words of the Speaker of the Bahraini House of Representatives, Ahmed Al-Musallam, who impressed us with his meager leadership - of what is supposed to be the People's House - a statement made in an attempt to intimidate MPs, live on air.
Ali Al-Aswad: Upcoming Elections: Bahrain's Endless Crisis
What faces the future of the political process in Bahrain resembles the 1970s era, but under the guise of "reform", as there is a lack of implementation of any reform ideas.
Ali Al-Aswad: 5 Things the Biden Administration should Discuss with Bahraini Government during Jeddah Summit
The United States does not need Bahrain's oil, and the limited trade relationship between the two countries cannot be relied upon to put pressure on domestic political reform. What Washington has is more than oil or trade; it has the Fifth Fleet which is of strategic importance in the region.
Ali Al-Aswad: Bahrain's Difficult Years
It has been 7 years since the arrest of Al-Wefaq Secretary-General Sheikh Ali Salman. The whole country continues to suffer and remember his nationalist stances and great sacrifices. You cannot forget the name of the most prominent political leader who adopted peace, change, reform, and hardwork.
Former Bahraini MP Ali Alaswad: Deficient Democracy in Bahrain: Between Dream of People's Sovereignty and Unilateral Decision-Making
The political experience in many Middle Eastern countries, including the Gulf states, is still growing towards maturity or is still far from the idea upon which democracy was built in developed countries, as individual or family rule is prevalent and there is no place for political partnership in governance.
Ali Alaswad: European Parliament Calls on Bahraini Authorities to Carry out Urgent Reforms
Ten years following the eruption of the peaceful uprising in Bahrain, the European Parliament offers a chance to resolve the crisis and the opposition is adopting it, but will the authorities in Manama take this opportunity? Perhaps there are other questions, but the major question remains: Will the international community be able to make real sustainable change? This is the most significant issue worthy of attention at the moment by both the authorities and the opposition.
Al-Aswad: EU Resolution Proves that Most European Counties Agree that Bahrain Needs Urgent Political and HR Reform
Analyzing the European resolution on the human rights and political situation in Bahrain, Al-Wefaq former MP Ali Al-Aswad said that all the European countries agree now that the Kingdom of Bahrain needs to carry out political reform, release prisoners of conscience and resume the work of opposing political societies.
Al-Wefaq Welcomes Any Pressure on Bahraini Authorities to Respect Human Rights
Al-Wefaq former MP Ali Al-Aswad commented on the US Department of State spokesman saying that "we listened to the US Department of State spokesman on the issue of human rights council members and that there is no place in the council for any state that violates these rights."
Ali Al-Aswad: Saudi Arabia Presented Bahrain as Trial Balloon to Test Regional Reaction
Al-Wefaq MP, Ali Al-Aswad, said that Saudi Arabia has presented Bahrain as a trial balloon to see the regional reaction regarding normalization with Israel.
MP Ali Al-Aswad to Al-Mayadeen: Normalization is Coup against Bahraini People Principles
Former Al-Wefaq MP, Ali Al-Aswad, described the Bahraini government's normalization of relations with the Israeli entity as "a coup against the belief of the Bahraini people who reject occupation."
NPWJ Broadcasts "Beyond Covid-19: A Nine-Year Lockdown for Bahrain" Webinar
No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) broadcasted on Friday (May 22, 2020) on its social media platforms a webinar entitled "Beyond Covid-19: A Nine-Year Lockdown for Bahrain".
Al-Aswad Responds to Interior Minister Statements: Existence of Thousands of Prisoners Doesn't Reveal Security Stability
Former Al-Wefaq MP, Ali Al-Aswad, responded to statements issued by the Interior Minister Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, during a lecture at the Royal College of Command, Staff and National Defense in which he talked about the stability of security situation and what he called success in combating terrorism.
Al-Aswad: Bahrainis Sufferings won�t Come to End without Transition to Genuine Constitutional Monarchy
Former MP Ali Al-Aswad said that any form of future mediations in Bahrain will fail unless they tackle changing the political regime into a real constitutional monarchy.
Int�l Community's Support for Arab Dictatorships is Reason for Continued Killing and Repression: Former MP
Former Bahraini MP Ali Alaswad, commenting on the Bahraini authorities� decision to execute Ali Al-Arab and Ahmad Al-Malali, said the official support of the international community for authoritarian and dictatorial governments in the Arab world is one of the reasons why there are ongoing repression, killings and displacement.
On Int'l Day of in Support of Victims of Torture Al-Aswad Says: Bahrain Still Tortures
Marking International Day in Support Victims of Torture, which falls on June 26, former Al-Wefaq MP Ali Al-Aswad discussed how torture continues to be practiced in Bahrain more than 7 years after the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry report.
Democracy Key to Securing the Future of Bahrain's Young
In April, the King of Bahrain announced a new Royal Directive aimed at embracing Bahraini youth who he describes as "the nations source of strength". Whilst details of what this directive will actually concretely mean are yet to be announced - or indeed whether this is anything more than empty rhetoric - one thing should be certain; the youth of Bahrain are concerned with political reform and until this happens the future of the country will not reflect their aspirations.
Bahrain Embassy Adviser in London Says Gov�t to Take Further Steps
A human rights adviser to the Embassy of Bahrain in London, Hasan Shafaei, said that �more good news was coming,� referring to new steps that may be taken by the Bahraini government with regards to rights, reported author Bill Law, which comes following the decision to restore the citizenships of 551 Bahrainis which were withdrawn by judicial rulings.
Ali Al-Aswad in front of European Parliament: Gov�t Silence Ramped up Violations in Bahrain
Sub-Committee on Human Rights in the European Parliament held a symposium to exchange views on Human Rights in the Arabian Peninsula, in which Al-Wefaq former MP Ali Al-Aswad took part, alongside fianc� of Jamal Kashoggi, who was killed in October 2018 in the Saudi consulate in Turkey.