Return of Repression to Bahrain's Streets with the Crown Prince and Prime Minister's Blessing
Just one day after the banquet hosted by the Crown Prince for senior officers and officials of the Ministry of Interior, repression resumed against peaceful marches organized by the families of political prisoners demanding their release. The crackdown commenced yesterday evening in the village of Al-Qedam.
'We Have Lost Hope': Bahrain's Dark Night Descends, Bill Law
Addressing the situation in Bahrain, Gulf affairs expert, Bill Law, quoted �an old Bahraini friend� of his, stating that �it is bad, very bad. Everyone has lost hope. No one sees any way out.�
Washington Post: Clinton�s Bahrain Problem Has Nothing to do with Clinton Foundation
Hillary Clinton supported the Bahraini regime while it cracked down on protesters. But that folly had nothing to do with the Clinton Foundation.
Australian Greens Party Seeks Halting Export of Advanced Monitoring Devices to Bahrain
Gulf Institute for Democracy and Human Rights said Australian Greens promised to intervene diplomatically to halt export of advanced monitoring devices to Bahraini Interior Ministry.
Five Bahraini HR Groups Send Joint Letter Telling UN Human Rights Council to Take Meaningful Action against Bahrain
Five NGOs have articulated a joint letter intended for UNHRC members regarding the pressing issues facing Bahrain.
BCHR Records 43 Protests Staged in 28 Villages across Bahrain
The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) announced that it recorded on Saturday (February 13, 2016) 43 peaceful protests held in 28 villages across Bahrain.