Return of Repression to Bahrain's Streets with the Crown Prince and Prime Minister's Blessing
Just one day after the banquet hosted by the Crown Prince for senior officers and officials of the Ministry of Interior, repression resumed against peaceful marches organized by the families of political prisoners demanding their release. The crackdown commenced yesterday evening in the village of Al-Qedam.
"The Roundabout of Coexistence and Peace": A Booklet by Al-Wefaq on the Anniversary of the Pearl Roundabout Demolition
The Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society issued a booklet titled "The Roundabout of Coexistence and Peace" on the anniversary of the demolition of the Pearl Roundabout by the Bahraini regime in 2011, after suppressing peaceful protesters for a month.
Bahrain Security Forces Suppress Demonstration in Daih Marking February 14 Uprising Anniv., Make Arrests
Security forces suppressed, on Wednesday (February 14, 2024), a large peaceful demonstration that took place in Bahrain's Al-Daih area.
BCHR: 65 HR Violations against Citizens in May 2023
The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) monitored more than 65 human rights violations committed by the regime against citizens in May 2023.
Protests Rejecting Elections Staged across Bahrain
Protests were staged in Bahrain on Friday, on the eve of the sham elections, which are boycotted by the people of Bahrain. The demonstrators demanded that the sham elections be boycotted, seeing that they serve the political trajectory of the ruling class.
Al-Wefaq Documents 408 HR Violations in February 2021
The Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society issued a report on Monday (March 8, 2021) documenting 408 human rights violations committed by the authorities in Bahrain in February 2021.
Photos: Protests Staged across Bahrain on 10th Anniversary of Feb. 14 Uprising amid Security Restrictions
Marking the 10th anniversary of the February 14 uprising which started in 2011, citizens renewed their demands for freedom and democracy on Sunday night (February 14, 2021).
ACLED Publishes New Data about Bahrain Events until 2020
The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) published on its website the data it gathered about Bahrain's events from 2016 to 2020.
Protests in Bahrain Demanding Release of Political Detainees
Hundreds of citizens took part on (Friday, September 27, 2019) in protests held in different areas across Bahrain, including Manama, demanding the release of political detainees.
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: Bahrain is Example of Peaceful Jihad
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that "avoiding the military option is sometimes a form of jihad towards achieving the goal," referring to the peaceful choice taken by the Bahraini opposition in its struggle for freedom and dignity as an example.
Bahrain Arrests Protestors Condemning Saudi War on Yemen
The Bahraini authorities arrested a number of individuals taking part in a rally in which they shouted slogans against a sisterly country.
Geneva: Canada Demands Bahrain to halt Dissolutions of Opposition Parties
Canada demanded the government of Bahrain to halt its policy of dissolving opposition political parties, and urged it to allow peaceful protests and abolish penalties on assembly.
Bahrain Scholars Call for �Mass Rallies� on February 14
Bahrain scholars called Monday (February 6, 2017) for staging mall rallies on the 7th anniversary of the Bahraini revolution. They dubbed February 14 �the immortal history and bright page of glory in the record of this great nation.�
Al-Wefaq Deputy SG in Televised Speech: Executions to Leave Serious Political and Security Repercussions (Full Speech)
Al-Wefaq Deputy Secretary General, Sheikh Hussein al-Daihi, delivered a televised speech (Wednesday January 18, 2017), in response of the Bahraini regime�s execution of 3 Bahraini political detainees.
Thousands of Bahrainis Denounce Widespread Campaign that led to Dozens of Arrests
Bahrain Mirror: Thousands of Bahraini took to the streets to denounce the ongoing detention of the Bahraini opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman and the arrests of dozens of citizens in a widespread campaign launched by regime forces across the country.
On Int�l Day of Non-Violence: Al-Wefaq Stresses Adhering to Peacefulness & Calls on Authorities to Avoid Violence
Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain�s main opposition group Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, marking International Day of Non-Violence, said (October 2, 2015) that it is committed to a peaceful approach and to the peaceful and popular movement that was launched in February 2011.