Government of Bahrain Announces BHD 4.3 Billion Economic Stimulus Package to Counter Coronavirus Effects
The government of Bahrain announced a BHD 4.3bn economic stimulus package to support the country's citizens and private sector and counter the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Electricity Minister: Value of Adjustments Made to Summer Bills Reached BD 2 Million
Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs Wael Al-Mubarak said that 59,664 Bahraini participants benefited from the decision to review this year's bills for citizens in the primary resident for June, July and August.
New Minister for Electricity and Water Affairs after Abdulhussein Mirza's 17-Year Tenure
King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa issued Royal Decree 84/2019, appointing Wael bin Nasser Al-Mubarak as Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs.
Electricity Minister Denies Gov't Intention to Lift Subsidies on Citizens after 4 Years
Responding to the statements of MP Ahmed Al-Salloum, the Electricity and Water Minister Abdulhussein Mirza denied the government intention to lift subsidies on electricity services for citizens provided for the first house.
Who Dares to Raise Questions in Bahrain on Gov�t Electricity and Petroleum Arrears?
Contradictory news is being released by the Ministry of Electricity in Bahrain, which cuts off electricity in poverty-stricken areas, depriving those citizens, who cannot provide their basic needs, of electricity while turning a blind eye to the collection of arrears of hotels, ministries and wealthy members of the ruling family.
Electricity Minister: 2 Million Dinars Bill Arrears from Ministries
Minister of Electricity and Water Abdulhussain Mirza said that there are accounts of ministries and non-sovereign authorities that have not yet been included in the Ministry of Finance system for the direct deduction of invoices (FMIS), and the amounts owed in the community amounted to two million BD.
Khalifa bin Salman Appoints Two Directors at Finance and Electricity Ministries
Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa issued Edict 40 and 41/2017 appointing two directors.
Electricity Minister: Amazon Asked for Half of Solar Power Plant Production
The Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs, Abdulhussain Mirza, said that international Amazon company requested half of the ministry�s solar energy production. Mirza also denied what was circulated that the government will install solar panels free of charge for citizens.
Trade Union Calls on Electricity Minister to Intervene and Re-employ 8 Dismissed Employees
The Assistant Secretary-General for the Public Sector in the General Federation of Workers Trade Unions in Bahrain, Hussein al-Asfour, called on the Minister of Electricity and Water Abdul Hussain Mirza to intervene to end the suffering of eight employees that have been dismissed from the Electricity and Water Authority for nearly two years.
Electricity subsidies Lifted from 248,000 Users & 229.6 Million BD Uncollected Electricity Bills
Bahrain Mirror: The Al-Bilad newspaper, owned by the Prime Minister�s son Ali bin Khalifa, said that it had received official documents showing the government�s intention to lift subsidies from 248 thousand electricity users.