Trade Unions Federation President: MPs Disappointed Bahrain Workers, Facilitated Infringement on their Funds
he Secretary General of the General Federation of Workers Trade Unions in Bahrain (GFWTUB), Hassan Al-Halwaji, expressed his regret that those who are considered representatives of the people passed the proposed amendments to the Unemployment Fund law and disregarded and facilitated the encroachment on the workers' funds instead of protecting them.
Are Bahraini Officials Poking Fun at Bahrainis?
A new sample of official government statements and media reports directed at the Bahraini citizen has emerged. The situation is demeaning to Bahrainis to say the least. Here comes another government action insulting the intelligence of citizens and not giving them any consideration.
GFWTUB Demands MPs to Stop Infringing on Unemployment Fund
The General Federation of Workers Trade Unions in Bahrain (GFWTUB) refused any act of spending the unemployment funds on anything other than the fields they're allocated to and using them for objectives other than what the Fund was established for.
Health Minister Hopes Bahrainization Reaches 80% in Nursing Sector within 2 Years
Health Minister Faeqa Saeed Al-Saleh said that she "hopes" Bahrainization level in nursing field would increase to reach 80% within two years, a local newspaper reported.
Bahraini Parliamentary Investigative Committee Disbanded, Saudi Ambassador Says Ready to Fulfill Bahraini Education Sector Needs
The first investigative committee formed by the House of Representatives, which was elected in November 2018, was disbanded on Monday (March 11, 2019), causing one of the first disappointments regarding such a committee, which was made up of 12 MPs to investigate the Bahrainization of jobs as well as the issue of marginalization of Bahrainis to which they are subjected in both the public and private sectors.
Parliamentary Committee Passes �Unemployment� Amendments: 230 Million from Unemployment Fund Surplus to Finance Voluntary Retirement
The Services Committee in the House of Representatives approved on Sunday (March 17, 2019) amendments to unemployment insurance law, which allows the government to finance the voluntary retirement program from the "unemployment" fund.
Gov�t to Raise Unemployment Benefits by Taking Surplus of Unemployment Fund
There is no legal term that can describe the government's expeditious referral of a bill allowing the government to benefit from the surplus of the Unemployment Insurance Fund to finance the voluntary retirement program.
Gov�t Refers Urgent Bill to the parliament that Allows "Voluntary Retirement" Funding from Unemployment Fund
The government has referred a bill as a matter of urgency that would allow the government to benefit from the surplus of the Unemployment Insurance Fund to fund the voluntary retirement program.
Interior Ministry: Foreign Nationals Residence Requests in Bahrain Increasing
Bahrain's Interior Ministry Undersecretary for Citizenship, Passports and Residence Rashid bin Khalifa Al Khalifa said the number of applications for work residence permits in Bahrain is increasingly growing.
Labor Minister Says Bahraini Woman Income Increased 100% in 12 Years
Bahraini Labor Minister Jameel Humaidan said that the Bahraini woman's income increased 100% in 12 years, to reach 559 BD in 2018 after it was 280 BD only in 2006.
It�s Very Difficult for Bahrainis to Hear such Words
t is very difficult for Bahrainis, who are marginalized in their own country, to hear their PM Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa say that the government �doesn�t accept those competing with Bahrainis over their livelihoods�
To the New Unemployed in Bahrain, This is the Story of National Employment Projects over the Past 18 Years
So, this is what resulted from the meetings of the heads of government Khalifa bin Salman and his brother�s grandson Salman bin Hamad. After weeks of announced public discontent due to government and private sector policies marginalizing Bahrainis and favoring foreigners in employment, the government announced cold and redundant steps to confront this discontent
Yousef Mashal Not Only One who Despises Bahrainis, Many Naturalized Citizens Do So
If the words of businessman Yousef Mashal were painful to hear, then the injustice of your own countrymen would even feel more painful.
Civil Service Bureau President Absent from National Employment Project, Is It Being Taken Seriously?
Bahraini Government not taking decision to abolish the parallel Bahrainization system, and the absence of the head of the Civil Service Bureau from the press conference are enough to know that the project launched by the PM is nothing but circumvention by the government.
Parliament Forms Commission of Inquiry on "Bahrainization of Jobs in Both Sectors"
The House of Representatives in its meeting on Tuesday, February 26, 2019, approved the formation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry on �the Bahrainization of jobs in the public and private sectors�.
Humaidan Says Registered Unemployed will Automatically be Enrolled in New Employment Program, Invites the Rest to Register
Labor Minister Jameel Humaidan said that job seekers who are already registered in the ministry's lists will be enrolled in the government's new employment program automatically, stressing that they should review the ministry according to the deadlines set for the review.
We Can't Force Private Sector to Employ Bahrainis, Status of Bahrainization is Good: Minister
Parliament Affairs Minister Ghanim Al-Buainain said that the government cannot force the private sector to employ Bahrainis, adding that the Ministry of Labour nominates the unemployed for the companies and concerned parties that, in their part, choose among the unemployed.
Tamkeen: Wage Support Program which Targets Hiring Unemployed Suspended for Two and Half Months
Tamkeen Fund is going to extend the suspension of the Wage Support Program, which is geared to encourage hiring unemployed Bahrainis, an additional month, despite promises to reinstate the program early next month (March 2019), after deciding to suspend it for a month and a half, on the grounds of reviewing it.
Naturalized Businessman Says to Bahrainis: There�s No Feather on Your Head
Amid the huge national consensus on the Bahrainization of jobs issue, demanding that the preferential treatment given to foreigners over Bahrainis in employment in both the public and private sectors be put to an end, a discordant voice emerged, but this was not surprising at all.
Editorial: Who is the Bahraini Now?
If you find yourself to be unwanted, and not welcomed by the state, you then know that you are indeed a Bahraini, and if you find yourself in the position where others dare to assault you, and you do not have the ability to respond, rest assured that you are a Bahraini.