Bahraini Justice Ministry: Use of Term "Target" Fuels Sectarian Approach
Justice Ministry considered using term "target" is "continuation of sectarian incitement approach to promote disorder."
Bahraini Clerics Stage Rally to Denounce Move against Sheikh Isa Qassim
Bahraini clerics staged rally today to voice their solidarity with Bahraini Shia spiritual leader Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim.
Friday and Congregational Prayers Resumed in Bahrain Shiite Mosques, Sanqour Calls on Gov't to Cool Down Atmosphere & Restore Trust
Following a four-week pause, Friday and congregational prayers were resumed in Shiite mosques across Bahrain.
Bahraini Interior Ministry Claims that Statements of Senior Shiite Clerics "Fabricated" and Released by Foreign Parties
Bahrain�s Interior Ministry claimed the statements of senior Shiite clerics were released by foreign unknown groups.
AP: Iran's Leader Slams Bahrain's Treatment of Shiite Cleric
Iran's supreme leader has accused Bahrain's Sunni-led government of "blatant foolishness and insanity" for stripping a prominent ...
Public Prosecution Releases 6 Shiite Clerics and 2 Eulogy Citers after Interrogating them
Activists on social media said that the Public Prosecution released on Saturday (June 25, 2016) 6 Shiite clerics and 2 eulogy citers after interrogating them.
Bahraini Interior Ministry Refers Shiite Clerics to Public Prosecution over "Illegal Assembly in Diraz"
Bahraini Interior Ministry interrogated number of Shiite clerics after accusing them of participating in open rally in Diraz.
Religious Commission Appointed by King: Shiites' Disrupting Friday Prayers in Mosques Indicates Non-Affiliation to Islam
A religious commission in Bahrain assigned by the king said that disrupting Friday prayers in mosques by Shiites "indicates non-affiliation to Islam."
Reuters: Bahraini Shi'ite Clerics Warn Against Targeting Muslim Sect
Senior clerics warned on Saturday against any attempt to target Shi'ite Islam by undermining a pillar of the sect's creed, the Khums tax, apparently following reports that authorities were investigating funds held by Bahrain's top Shi'ite cleric.
Bahraini King Bans Mixing "Religious Preaching with Political Practice"
Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa issued a Law on Saturday (June 11, 2016), amending some of the provisions of Law 26/2005 regulating political societies.
Sayed Mahdi Al-Mosawi Released after Serving 5 Years in Prison
The Bahraini authorities released on Friday (April 29, 2016) Shiite cleric Sayed Mahdi Al-Mosawi who had served a 5-year prison term.
Sheikh Hassan Isa�s Case Adjourned until April 24
The Fourth High Criminal Court decided to re-summon witnesses in the trial of the Al-Wefaq senior member Sheikh Hassan Isa, over the case of �funding a terrorist group,� in an adjourned hearing to be held on April 24, 2016.
Appeals Court Upholds 2-Year Prison Sentence Handed down to Sheikh Abdul Zahraa Al-Mubasher over "Inciting Hatred against the Regime"
The Third High Criminal Court upheld the verdict issued against a Shiite cleric, Sheikh Abdul Zahraa Al-Mubasher, sentencing him to two years in prison over charges of inciting hatred against the regime and insulting a figure (Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan) venerated by a certain sect.
Top Bahraini Shiite Cleric Passes Away
One of Bahrain's prominent Shiite clerics, Sayed Jawad Al-Wedai passed away on Monday (March 21, 2016) after a struggle with illness.
Sheikh Al-Damestani Released after 5 Years of Imprisonment & Torture
The Bahraini authorities released one of the senior figures of the Islamic Action Society (Amal), Sheikh Jassim Al-Damestani after serving five years in prison.
Bahraini Court Upholds 3-Year Prison Sentence against Shiite Cleric for "Insulting King" & "Inciting Hatred"
The Bahraini Second High Criminal Court of Appeals upheld a first degree verdict sentencing a Shiite cleric, Sayyed Kamel Al-Hashemi, to three years in prison, over charges of insulting the King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and inciting hatred against a [religious] sect.
Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour Released without Charges after Interrogation
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini authorities released on Wednesday (February 24, 2016) the Imam of Imam Sadiq Mosque in Diraz, the prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour, after interrogation without raising any charges against him.
Bahrain Public Prosecution Accuses Sheikh Jassim Al-Khayat of �Promoting Animosity against the Regime�
The Bahraini Public Prosecution raised charges of �publicly promoting animosity against the regime� against the head of the Arbitral Tribunal of Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, Sheikh Jassim Al-Khayat.
Sheikh Mohammad Khojasteh Exiled to Lebanese Capital Beirut
Bahraini authorities on Sunday (February 21, 2016) expelled prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Mohammad Khojasteh from the country, a move which comes part of a campaign targeting the followers of the Shiite sect.
Sheikh Mirza Al-Mahrous Launches Open Hunger Strike over Denied Treatment
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Bahraini prisoner of conscience Sheikh Mirza Al-Mahrous launched an open hunger strike on Thursday (February 18, 2016) over the ongoing denial of his right to treatment.