Muslim Brotherhood Unwillingly Announces not Running in Parliamentray Elections
The Muslim Brotherhood, represented by Al-Menbar Islamic Society, announced that none of its members has applied to run in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
Saudi Council of Senior Scholar: Muslim Brotherhood is Terrorist Group, Doesn't Represent Approach of Islam
The Saudi Council of Senior Scholars (Ulemas) said in a statement that the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist group and that it does not represent the approach of Islam.
Muslim Brotherhood Newspaper in Bahrain Dissolved, Liquidated
Al-Naba newspaper, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood in Bahrain, was dissolved and liquidated by a decision of the shareholders, local Bahraini Al-Bilad daily reported.
Bahrain Muslim Brotherhood Newspaper Stops Publishing
Al-Naba newspaper, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood in Bahrain, announced that it will temporarily stop publishing. Meanwhile, Chairman of board of directors said that this decision is due "restructuring".
Kuwait Hands Muslim Brotherhood-Linked Militants to Egypt: KUNA
Kuwait has handed over to Egypt eight Egyptians who it said had admitted to carrying out terrorist operations in their home country, and had fled to Kuwait after being convicted in Egypt, the state news agency KUNA reported.
Royal Court Leads Inflammatory Campaigns
Although Al-Bandar report was repeatedly mentioned in press reports, some people haven�t been acquainted with the report and its details. However, what happened last week draws a clear picture of how fake public opinion is created and how inflammatory campaigns are launched by the Royal court, same as Al-Bandar report.
Bahrain Deports Muslim Brotherhood Leader to Egypt despite Having Canadian Passport: RT
"Russia Today" agency said that the security authorities in Bahrain deported a leader in Muslim Brotherhood Ali Abdulrham, a professor at Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University. His name is on the waiting list at the Egyptian security authorities.
Bahrain Muslim Brotherhood Elects New Leadership Despite Gov�t Joining Alliance Classifying Group as Terrorist Organization
The General Assembly of the Islamic Tribune Society Al-Menbar (Muslim Brotherhood) elected a new chairman for the Bahraini organization on Wednesday (March 20, 2019), although Bahrain joined an Arab alliance that classifies the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.
Bahrain FM: Muslim Brotherhood One of Foundations of Terrorism from which Al-Qaeda & ISIS Branched
Bahrain's Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa said on Saturday (March 2, 2019) that "the Muslim Brotherhood is one of the important foundations of the terrorist organizations we see today in the world.� He went on to say that �Bahrain was the first country to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization a number of years ago�.
Deputy Secretary-General of Al-Menbar Attacks Bahraini FM for Praising Israeli PM
Deputy Secretary-General of Al-Menbar Islamic Society, political arm for Muslim Brotherhood, Nasser Al-Fadala addressed the Bahraini Minister of Foreign Affairs saying �if someone other than you said these words, we would have demanded to put him under law of �sympathizing� with enemies of nation.
Muslim Brotherhood Rejects Washington�s Demand Not to Appeal Opposition Leader Acquittal in �Colluding with Qatar� Charge
The Islamic National Tribune (Al-Menbar) Society, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Bahrain, rejected Washington�s demand to the Public Prosecution not to appeal the verdict acquitting Bahraini opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman of �colluding with Qatar� charge.
Former MP Mohammed Khalid�s Son Arrested after Admitting Misusing Social Media Outlets
The Public Prosecution announced the arrest of Ayman, the son of former Brotherhood MP Mohammed Khalid after he admitted disseminating information via social media infringing on the privacy of other individuals.
Saudi Arabia Says Revamping Education to Combat Extremist Ideologies: Minister
Saudi Arabia is revamping its education curriculum to eradicate any trace of Muslim Brotherhood influence and will dismiss anyone working in the sector who sympathizes with the banned group, the education minister said.
Muslim Brotherhood in Bahrain: Statute Amendment Didn�t Affect Fundamentals and Principles
Secretary-General of the Islamic National Tribune (Al-Menbar) Society (Muslim Brotherhood), Ali Ahmed, said that the amendment of the statute of the Society did not affect the principles and fundamentals of the Society.
Muslim Brotherhood in Bahrain Change their Statute to Confirm They�re Not Affiliated with Int�l Organization
The Islamic Tribune Society (Muslim Brotherhood) amended its statute to emphasize that it is not associated with non-Bahraini entities. The Society is accused of joining the international Muslim Brotherhood organization.
Saudi University to Dismiss Suspected Brotherhood-Linked Academics
A large Saudi public university announced it would dismiss employees suspected of ties to the banned Muslim Brotherhood, adding to concerns that the government is clamping down on its critics in academia and beyond.
Jamal Khashoggi Suspended from Writing in "Al Hayat" Due to his Stance on the Muslim Brotherhood
Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi confirmed the news stating that he was suspended from writing for Al-Hayat newspaper, based on a decision by Al-Hayat publisher Khalid bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and the recommendation of Fahd bin Khalid Al Saud.
Strangest Story of Syrian Muslim Brotherhood Leaders: Father in Qatar and Son in Bahrain
Syrian Muslim Brotherhood official resided in Qatar while his son, another extremist leader ran the Brotherhood movement in Bahrain.
�Arab Times� Editor Osama Fawzi Makes Episode about Muslim Brotherhood: King�s Cousin Founded it, was General Controller
Palestinian-American Journalist and editor of the famous �Arab Times� newspaper issued in the US Dr. Osama Fawzi mocked the dualism of Bahraini government in dealing with Muslim Brotherhood in Bahrain, describing it as �political whoring�
Muslim Brotherhood in Bahrain Urges Gulf Leaders to Reunite their Countries
Muslim Brotherhood group in Bahrain called on leaders of GCC states to do their best to settle the Gulf dispute and reunite their counties.