Bahraini Authorities Close Diraz Entrances to Prevent Worshipers from Joining Central Prayer
The Bahraini security authorities blocked the entrances of Diraz village on Friday (February 26, 2016). This blockage coincided with a call by the Bahraini Shiite clerics for a central prayer at the Imam Sadiq Mosque, after Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour was summoned for interrogation.
Security Alert in Bahrain ahead of Feb. 14 Uprising Anniv.
The Bahraini authorities imposed strict security measures days ahead of the fifth anniversary of the start of the February 14 uprising, during which the opposition will hold a series of events and protests.
Local Paper: Several Shotgun Injuries amongst Protesters in Bahrain�s Sitra
Bahrain Mirror: Al-Wasat newspaper said that �the clashes which Sitra witnessed yesterday left several injuries caused by shotgun pellets,� fired by police at protestors.
Bahraini Forces Arrest Former Municipality Council Member Hamid Al-Basri in House Raid
Bahrain Mirror: Activists on social media outlets said that Bahraini security forces raided on early Monday morning (December 28, 2015) the house of the former member of the municipality council Hamid Al-Basri in the village of Sanabis.
Life Imprisonment Handed Down to Suspect over Attempted Murder of 2 Policemen
Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain's First High Criminal Court sentenced a young man to life in prison after the Public Prosecution accused him of attempting to murder two policemen in a bombing.
Bahraini Security Forces Arrest Citizen on Causeway & Another at Airport
Bahrain Mirror: Activists on social media outlets said that Bahraini security forces arrested Ahmad Jaafar Ibrahim and Ahmad Ali Kadhem on the King Fahd Causeway and at the Bahrain airport.
SIU Studies Possibility to Appeal Against Acquittal of 5 Policemen over Torture Case
Bahrain Mirror:Member of the Special Investigation Unit (SIU), Mohammad Khalid Al-Haza', said that the unit is currently studying the grounds of that verdict and if there is a possibility of appealing against it.
Bahraini Court Acquits 5 Policemen of Torture Charges
Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain�s First High Criminal Court acquitted on Monday (December 7, 2015) five policemen of charges of torturing detainees to extract false confessions.
Chief of �Detained Military Men� Mahmoud Al-Alawi Imprisoned
Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain security forces linked to the Ministry of Interior arrested and imprisoned, Mahmoud Al-Alawi, a former detainee known as the �Chief of Military Men� who served three years in prison before he was released in 2014.
Bahrain�s MoI Says Courts Acquitted 67% of its Accused Members
Bahrain Mirror: The Interior Ministry Legal Affairs Director Rashid Mohammed Bunajma said the courts have acquitted defendants in 23 cases and issued 12 convictions while 10 other cases are still pending.
Dozens Arrested in Bahrain in Widespread Campaign of Arbitrary Arrests
Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini authorities have launched a widespread campaign of arbitrary arrests on Tuesday (November 3, 2015) in a number of areas across Bahrain, taking dozens of Bahrainis into custody.
Clashes Erupt after Bahraini Security Forces Take Down Ashura Banners Leaving Protestors Injured
A number of protestors were injured in Bahrain after clashes erupted between government forces and demonstrators over the regime forces' attempts to take down Ashura banners and flags.
PHOTOS: Clashes & Injuries in Bahrain�s Al-Malikiya & Karzakan after Bahraini Security Forces Take Down Ashura Flags
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Interior Ministry�s security forces took down Ashura flags and banners in the villages of Al-Malikiya and Karzakan, which caused outrage among residents who took to the streets to protest the authorities� suppression on Tuesday (October 20, 2015).
Bahraini Interior Ministry: Suspicious Object Explodes in Al-Juffair Injuring 2 Policemen
The Bahraini Interior Ministry stated that a suspicious object exploded in Al-Juffair area, leaving two members of security forces with minor injuries.
Bahrain�s SIU Appeals Verdict Acquitting Policemen Accused of Beating Suspect
Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain�s Special Investigation Unit (SIU) appealed a verdict issued by the High Criminal Court on September 2, 2015 that acquitted five policemen accused of beating a suspect in order to extract a confession.
Bahraini Appeals Court: Six-Month Prison Term for Gulf National Accused of Assaulting 2 Policemen
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini court of appeals presided over by judge Isa Al-Ka'abi commuted the punishment of a Gulf national from one year to 6 months in prison and upheld expelling him from the country.
Britain Says It�s Training Police & Security Forces in Bahrain
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) stated that the UK continues to provide a package of technical assistance, including training to the police and security services in Bahrain.
Bahrain's SIU Received 8 Torture Complaints & Interrogated 21 Policemen in August
Bahrain Mirror: Member of Bahrain�s Special Investigation Unit affiliated to the Public Prosecution, Mohammad Khalid Al-Hazza, said that the unit received last August, 21 complaints, including 8 torture allegations.
Bahrain: Security Forces Surround Wa�ad HQ to Take Down Ebrahim Sharif Poster
Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini security forces cordoned off the headquarters of Wa'ad Society and demanded taking down a poster of its former Secretary-General Ebrahim Sharif.
Bahraini Regime Forces Raid Al-Mustapha Library & Sabotage its Contents
Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini regime forces raided early Monday evening (August 31, 2015) Al-Mustapha Library and sabbotaged its contents.