Editorial: Who is the Bahraini Now?
If you find yourself to be unwanted, and not welcomed by the state, you then know that you are indeed a Bahraini, and if you find yourself in the position where others dare to assault you, and you do not have the ability to respond, rest assured that you are a Bahraini.
Opposition Requests Meeting with Bassiouni: Most BICI Recommendations Weren�t Implemented
The national opposition democratic forces stressed that most of the recommendations of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI), issued on November 23, 2011, were not implemented.
Bahraini Opposition Warns of Dwindling of Middle Class: Raising Prices Threatens Civil Peace
The Bahraini national democratic opposition forces warned of the negative consequences of lifting subsidies on basic commodities and the economic and financial deterioration on the citizens� purchasing capabilities, the shifting of citizen classes to poverty line and continued dwindling of the middle class.
Who Is Funding "This Is Bahrain" Campaign?
Although Betsy Mathieson, secretary-general of the Bahrain Federation of Expatriate Associations and organizer of "This Is Bahrain" campaign, denied that she received any funds from the Bahraini government yet she didn't reveal the sources of the campaign's mysterious funding.
Bahraini Opposition Criticizes New Cabinet Line-up & Calls for Government that Represents Fabric of Society
The national opposition parties in Bahrain said the issuance of a royal decree regarding the limited "reshuffling" in the cabinet fell short of representing anything more than cosmetic solutions for the wide political and economic crises in Bahrain over the past four and a half years.
Anti-Regime Protests Continue across Bahrain
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Thousands of Bahrainis took to the streets west of the Bahraini capital, Manama, on Friday (September 11, 2015) to voice their determination to continue demanding political reforms.
Ibrahim Sharif to �Monte Carlo�: My Next Move will be according to the Manama Document
Bahrain Mirror: The former Secretary-General of the National Democratic Action Society (Wa'ad), Ibrahim Sharif, who has been recently released, said in a statement to Monte Carlo Doualiya Arabic that his moves in the coming period will be made according to the lines drawn by the Manama Document.