Iraq Launches Air Strike against Islamic State in Syria
Iraq launched an air strike on an Islamic State target inside neighboring Syria on Thursday, the military said.
U.S.-Led Coalition Signals End of Major Operations against Islamic State in Iraq
The U.S.-led coalition signaled on Monday the end of major combat operations against Islamic State in Iraq by announcing the �deactivation� of its land forces command headquarters.
Appeals Court Commutes Sentence against 8 Defendants Accused of Joining ISIS, Upholds Stripping them of Nationalities
The High Appeals Criminal Court commuted on Tuesday (April 24, 2018) the 15-year jail term issued by first-instance court against 8 appellants out of 24 convicted on joining ISIS to 10 years.
Iraq Says it Carried out Air Raid against IS in Syria
The Iraqi air force on Thursday carried out a "deadly raid" against positions of the Islamic State group in neighbouring Syria, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's office said.
Four Killed in IS Suicide Attack on Iraq Party Headquarters
A suicide attack targeting a political party headquarters in western Iraq has killed four people and injured seven others, including a candidate in polls set for May, officials said Sunday.
Russia's Putin Says Islamic State Destroyed in Syria
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Islamic State had been defeated in Syria, but it retains its destructive potential and can attack countries around the world, Interfax news agency cited him as saying.
Bodies of 38 Indian Workers Killed by IS Arrive Home from Iraq
The bodies of 38 Indian construction workers kidnapped and murdered in Iraq by the Islamic State group returned home on Monday four years after their disappearance.
Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Yemen Military Kitchen Bomb Attack
Militant group Islamic State claimed responsibility for a car bomb attack on a military kitchen in the south of Yemen, the group�s news agency Amaq said on Tuesday.
ISIS Calls on Muslims to Join them in Afghanistan if they can't Make it to Iraq or Syria
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group in Afghanistan is inviting Muslims worldwide to come to the war-torn country if they cannot reach Syria or Iraq, as it seeks to expand its foothold.
Islamic State kills 27 Iraqi Militiamen Near Kirkuk
Islamic State militants ambushed a convoy of pro-government militia fighters near the northern Iraqi oil city of Kirkuk late on Sunday, killing at least 27 of them, the government-backed Popular Mobilisation Forces said on Monday.
Appeal Court Upholds 10-Year Prison Term, Revokes Bahraini Citizenship of ISIS Militant Plotting to Target Interior Ministry Officers
The High Court of Appeal (December 13, 2017) upheld on Wednesday a 10-year prison term for a member of the ISIS group, also revoking his nationality.
Bahrain Clerics Offer Congratulations on ISIS Eradication
Clerics in Bahrain issued a statement in which they offered congratulations on the eradication of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, years after they had occupied vast areas across the two countries.
Iraqi Militia Indicates will Hand Heavy Guns to Army After Islamic State Quashed
A prominent Iraqi militia indicated on Thursday it would give any heavy weapons it had to the military once Islamic State was defeated and rejected a proposed U.S. congressional bill designating it a terrorist group.
Iraq Launches Operation to Clear Desert Near Syria of Islamic State
Iraqi forces launched an operation on Thursday to clear the desert bordering Syria of Islamic State in a final push to rid Iraq of the militant group, the military said.
Iraq to Declare Final Victory Over Islamic State After Desert Campaign
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Tuesday Islamic State had been defeated from a military perspective but he would only declare final victory after IS militants were routed in the desert.
Iran's President Declares end of Islamic State
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani declared the end of Islamic State on Tuesday while a senior military commander thanked the "thousands of martyrs" killed in operations organized by Iran to defeat the militant group in Syria and Iraq.
Iraqi Forces Recapture Last Islamic State-Held Town
Iraqi forces captured the border town of Rawa, the last remaining town under Islamic State control, on Friday, signaling the complete defeat of the group's self-proclaimed caliphate.
Iraqi Forces Launch Offensive to Recapture Last Town in Islamic State Control
Iraqi forces launched an offensive on Saturday to capture Rawa, the last remaining town under Islamic-State control, leaving the group's self-proclaimed caliphate on the verge of complete defeat.
Iraqi Forces Capture Akkas Gas Field from Islamic State
Iraqi forces captured the Akkas gas field from Islamic State on Thursday, Oil Minister Jabar al-Luaibi told reporters in Baghdad.
VIDEO: CNN Meets Bahraini ISIS Member in Syria�s Al-Raqqa
The American CNN channel aired an interview with one of ISIS members in the Syria�s Al-Raqqa, who turned himself over to the Syrian Democratic Forces that took control over ISIS stronghold last week.