Trial of Abdullah Al-Binali (ISIS Preacher Turki Al-Binali�s Brother) Adjourned until October 18
Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain's First High Criminal Court looked into the case of Abdullah Al-Binali (ISIS preacher Turki Al-Binali's brother), who is accused of using his friend's passport in an attempt to flee the country and decided to adjourn the case until October 18, 2015.
Bahrain Mirror Publishes New Book: ISIS Are Among Us...The Bahraini Government and the Rise of Jihadi Islam
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The Bahrain Mirror website launched a new publication entitled �ISIS Are Among Us�The Bahraini Government and the Rise of Jihadi Islam,� a dispassionate study of the rise of Salafi jihadism in Bahrain since the start of the �Arab Spring.�
ISIS Among us: The Bahraini Government and the Rise of Jihadi Islam
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The Bahrain Mirror website launched a new publication entitled �ISIS Are Among Us�The Bahraini Government and the Rise of Jihadi Islam,� a dispassionate study of the rise of Salafi jihadism in Bahrain since the start of the �Arab Spring.�
Bahrain Renews Detention of Suspect Accused of Joining ISIS
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Public Prosecution renewed the detention of a suspect accused of joining the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), as an introduction to referring him to court.
Pro-ISIS Accounts Tweet about Bahraini Soldiers Killed in Yemen: They�re Doomed to Become Waste
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Twitter accounts supporting the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) launched an attack against the Bahraini authorities after announcing the deaths of 5 of its soldiers in a strike on a military base for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.
ISIS Preacher�s Father Mubarak Al-Binali Banned from Travel...His Son Abdullah Held at Terror Crime Prosecution
Bahrain Mirror: Mubarak Al-Binali, father of the most prominent ISIS preachers Turki Al-Binali, said that the Bahraini authorities banned him from travel and that his son Abdullah Al-Binali is being held at the Terror Crime Prosecution department.
ISIS Blows up House of Iraqi Ambassador to Bahrain in Ramadi
Bahrain Mirror: The chief of Albu Aytha clan in Iraq�s Anbar province, Abdul Majid Nayef Abu Zeian, announced that the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) blew up his house along with the house of Iraqi Ambassador to Bahrain.
Saudi Arabia and Its Bastard Child �ISIS�: State of Denial
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The state of denial is what the Saudi regime is experiencing with regards to its critical situation involving the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), although the world is aware that Riyadh is the incubator of the Wahhabi Salafist Takfiri sect from which ISIS emerged.
Saudi Arabia Arrests 413 ISIS Militants Including 2 Bahrainis
Bahrain Mirror: Saudi Security forces arrested 413 members of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) accused of terrorism over the past 60 days in various areas across the country.
Saudi Interior Ministry: Bahraini among Suspects in Special Forces Mosque Bombing in Abha
Bahrain Mirror: The Saudi Ministry of Interior said that it had arrested 34 suspects, including 30 Saudis and 4 foreigners (Syrian, Yemeni, Bahraini and Pakistani national) after its investigation efforts into the bomb blast that targeted a Special Emergency Forces mosque in Abha.
Bahraini Cabinet Discusses Forcing Companies and Institutions to Install Surveillance Cameras Linked to the Interior Ministry
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini cabinet discussed a memo presented by the Minister of Interior Rashid Al Khalifa that proposes �obligating institutions, malls, and commercial shops to install surveillance cameras and connect them to the Ministry of Interior,�
To Sawsan Al-Shaer: I, Abu Al-Buraa, My Family, Mother and Brother Who�s a Member of Bahraini Military Are All ISIS
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The information which �Abu Al-Buraa� posted about himself on social media before his death could reveal more of the dangers that extremist movements in Bahrain pose, increasing the �tensions� of the Royal Court Newspaper and its writers.
Bahraini Militant Linked to Nusra Front Killed in Syria
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Bahraini accounts on social media announced the death of the Bahraini Fawaz Al-Najras, who has close ties with the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front militant group, after sustaining injuries from a rocket attack in Syria�s Idlib.
Bahrain to ISIS: �I Love You Very Much and Know I Am Very Much involved�
In response to the threats made by ISIS, Bahrain decided to hold a unified prayer between the Sunnis and Shiites, and install dozens of surveillance cameras on Shiite mosques across the country. Yet, how was the situation during the past few years? It was the complete opposite.
Hezbollah Secretary General: Bahrain Should Start Dialogue with Opposition to Ward Off ISIS Threats
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Hezbollah Secretary-General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah criticized the Bahraini regime for attempting to take advantage of the threats of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) in order to have more control and cause more suppression instead of calling for a national dialogue.
Abdulhadi Khalaf: Duaij Bin Hamad Al Khalifa Led Attack on 1950�s Processions..He Was the First ISIS Bahraini
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini senior lecturer in the Sociology department at Lund University in Sweden, Abdulhadi Khalaf, described one of the members of Bahrain�s ruling Al Khalifa family, Duaij Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, as the �first ISIS [extremist] in Bahrain.�
Bahraini Salman Turki Killed in Ranks of ISIS
Supporters of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) announced the death of one of the militant group's Bahraini members, who had appeared in a video last year while tearing his Bahraini passport after immigrating to Syria.
Bahrain, a fragile target for ISIS
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): If there were real and wise intentions to contain ISIS, then opposition figures would be outside prison. And there would have been an official apology for demolishing the Shiite mosques and responsible officials would be held accountable.
ISIS Militants: Defector From Bahraini Military Joined Organization..Confrontation with King Soon to Come
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini militant who fights in the ranks of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), Mohammed Al-Binali, declared on Thursday, July 9, 2015 that one of the affiliates of the Bahrain Defence Force defected and joined ISIS.
Bahraini Authorities Arrest Extremist Sunnis amid Media Blackout
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini militant who fights in the ranks of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), nicknamed �Abu Laden Al-Bahraini� said that the �troops of the tyrant Hamad� had arrested �Sunni youths in Bahrain.�