
Bahrain Suffers from Deep-Rooted Corruption, No Possibility of Combating Corruption without Political Reform: Al-Wefaq

2020-12-11 - 6:59 am

Bahrain Mirror: The Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society said that combatting corruption is not achieved without an inclusive political reform, complete separation of powers, independence of judiciary and real representation of citizens in real legislative institution and giving it legislative and regulatory powers and enabling independent and clean media to operate.

On the International Anti-Corruption Day, Al-Wefaq said that Bahrain suffers from deep-rooted corruption that extends vertically and horizontally, from the highest positions to the lowest. The observer does not need much investigation to reach the aspects and concentration of corruption, starting with the officials who administer the state.

"This has become clear and evident through the unbelievable bank balances, unrivaled private property and the legal and political influence that has no limits, as well as the officials' practice of trade to use their influence and their ownership of decision and wealth, which is the widest and fastest door to corruption and illegal gain."

Al-Wefaq considered "The project of combatting corruption and stopping the bleeding cannot be achieved without a set of basic elements that form a wall against the monster of corruption and its rootedness in the state and institutions, and also form real protection for countries from its expansion, spread and effects."

The society believes that the foundations for combating corruption are not limited to a certain country, and they are related to each other and are necessary in any place to stop, reduce and combat corruption. Talking about fighting corruption without having these foundations remains absurd and does not conform to reason, logic and the establishment of the state, the institutions, the rule of law, and political harmony.

Al-Wefaq stressed in its statement that the fight against corruption needs a real legislative institution that has the power to monitor and hold accountable and can enact the necessary legislation and be a true watchdog over everything under the state's roof, its budget, wealth and its administrations without exceptions. Fighting corruption also needs a fair and independent judicial authority that owns its decision and is not affected by political influence and subordination to the political decision.

Regarding the separation of powers, Al-Wefaq said "we believe that fighting corruption requires a complete separation of powers and requires subjecting the government to accountability, since it is entrusted with money, decisions and law enforcement, and all of this leaves it susceptible to controlling, looting and seizing unless it is subject to accountability. The most dangerous matter a country may experience is having the judicial and legislative authorities subject to the government and the political decision, and the more dangerous matter is when they work for the government. Even if the government was formed of angels, it would be subject to corruption in the absence of a real watchdog and a serious and independent judiciary."

Al-Wefaq stressed that all anti-corruption steps that are not based on granting the authorities the right to play their natural role will remain constantly under suspicion of opportunism, selectivity, temperament and improvisation, and will continue to face mistrust since they are inconsistent with the real institutional role entrusted to the concerned authorities. Doubts will continue to exist about the seriousness and the trust unless basic conditions and elements were available for that

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