
Morocco Stops Taking Part in Military Action with Saudi-Led Coalition in Yemen

2019-02-08 - 8:16 p

Bahrain Mirror: A Moroccan government official said on Thursday (February 7, 2019) that Morocco has stopped taking part in military action with the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen's war.

Morocco is not currently taking part in military interventions or ministerial meetings in the Saudi-led coalition, according to a Moroccan government official.

Associated Press agency reported that the official didn't elaborate. The agency added that Morocco's government has not divulged details of its military's participation in the coalition, which has been at war in Yemen against Huthis.

AP stated that Rabat has recalled its ambassador to Saudi Arabia, indicating that tensions have been mounting between Morocco and Saudi Arabia, amid international concerns about Saudi actions in the Yemen war and other issues.

Morocco recalled its ambassador to Saudi Arabia for consultations after the report aired, according to another Moroccan government official.

Both government officials spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

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