
Khalifa bin Salman Issues 2 Edicts Restructuring Disability Welfare High Committee, QAA's Advisory Board

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2017-08-27 - 8:23 p

Bahrain Mirror: Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa issued Edict 14/2017 restructuring the High Committee for Disabled Persons' Welfare Affairs.

The edict stipulated the re-structuring of the committee under the chairmanship of the Minister of Labour and Social Development. Below are the committee members who represent the respective governmental and private sectors:

1- Shaikh Duaij bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, representative of the National Institution for Services to the Disabled.

2- Shaikha Ayesha bint Ali Al Khalifa, representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development.

3- Badriya Yousef Al Jeeb, representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development.

4- Asmahan Yousef Al-Siaud, representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development

5- Ahmed Jaffar Al Hayeki, representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development

6- Mohammed Rashid Al-Souwaidi, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

7- Khalid Mahmoud Al-Saeedi, representative of the Ministry of Education.

8- Naseem Ahmed Al-Jebel, repreentative of the Ministry of Housing.

9- Dr. Rehab Marzouq Al Marzouq, representative of the Ministry of Health.

10- Eng. Ibrahim Yousef Al Jowder, representative of the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning.

11- Eng. Abdulhassan Ali Abdulhassan, representative of the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning.

12- Maha Khalifa Hamada, representative of the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning.

13- Dr. Dunya Ahmed Abdullah, representative of the Supreme Council of Women.

14- Waleed Ali Al Thawadi, representative of the Ministry of Information Affairs.

15- Yousef Ahmed Mohammed Ibrahim, representative of the Civil Service Bureau.

16- Nawar Abdullah Al Mattawa, representative of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs.

17- Abdullah Baqer Hassan Baqer, representative of Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

18- Shaikh Mohammed bin Duaij bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, representative of Bahrain Sports Association for the Disabled.

19- Jassim Mohammed Sayadi, representative of Bahrain Parents and Friends of the Disabled Society.

20- Adel Sultan Al Mattawa, representative of Bahrain International Mobility Centre.

The duration of their membership will be for two renewable years. The committee members will elect its vice chairman from amongst themselves in the first meeting of the committee.

The Minister of Labour and Social Development and the ministers each according to his domain have been tasked to implement this Edict effective from the date of its issuance, and to be published in the Official Gazette.

The Prime Minister also issued Edict 16/2017 appointing, reappointing members in the Advisory Board of National Authority for Qualification & Quality Assurance in Education and Training (QQA)

The following members have been reappointed as members of the QAA's Advisory Board:

1- Soha Mohammed AlKooheji, representative of the Ministry of Education.

2- Dr. Mona Mohammed Al Balushi, representative of the Council of Higher Education.

3- Jamal Abdulaziz Al Alawi, representative of the Civil Service Bureau.

4- Dr. Bassam Mohammed Al Hamad, a member from the governmental universities.

The duration of their membership in the committee will be four years.

The Edict stipulated the appointment of Ahmed Jaffar Miftah, representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development as a member in the Advisory Board of the National Authority for Qualification Assurance in Education and Training and the duration of his membership in the committee will be four years.

The chairman of QAA has been tasked to implement this Edict effective from the date of its issuance, which will also be published in the Official Gazette.
