Editorial: Burn Them All

2017-06-01 - 12:29 am

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Throughout history, blood has not always been able to defeat the sword. The sword has repeatedly reinforced the rule of tyrants keeping them on their thrones, and helped many of them enjoy impunity from their crimes. The blood of victims; however, continued to terrorize the swordsmen. That is why you can find that they are hostile to anyone who strives to keep the story of the victims alive. The truth alone is a ghost that haunts the murderer.

So the story of the "Square of Sacrifice" martyrs as dubbed by the protesters in the village of Diraz, is a story that will be raised by the people as a spear in the face of the tyrant whenever he delves into further bloodshed and violations.

In his last play Macbeth, Shakespeare explains the psyche of the tyrant who began his reign with murder and bloodshed, and how his thirst for blood cannot be quenched, and how taking people's lives is his only pleasure.

An example of him is a king who all his life dreamt of becoming a great military commander, but it was a dream filled with disappointment. Despite a uniform plastered with many badges, he still did not trust anyone, and his fear and skepticism continued to grow. In return for the trust of the people, who rejoiced upon his ascension to power, he decided to plot for replacing them. He deceived them, breaking the promises he gave and lied more than anyone lied before him.

Perhaps by chance, the first murder in his reign began at the walls of the US Embassy. His forces killed the martyr Muhammad Juma al-Shakhouri in a protest march in 2002, followed by martyr Ali Jassim on December 17, Martyrs' Day, in 2007.

He Believes in power, and sees that acts of killing the poor and the peaceful as military victories. He has become one of the most infamous killers and violators of holies.

The king has become somewhat similar to the King Aerys II Targaryen character, who was popularly called "the Mad King", from the world-famous A Song of Ice and Fire novel series. In the novel, when the revolution erupted, the Mad King saw that he was going to lose the city, so he summoned his chemist and told him to set fire to the entire city by using "wildfire," which is the substance the King ordered the chemists to manufacture in large quantities. Burning with fire was his preferred method of killing those who opposed him.

In his final days, the Mad King walked and screamed: Burn them All! His only order was to "burn them all."

But even though he seems to be in control, it does not take much to discover the extent of the tyrant's panic and fragility, as life is said to be not as it used to be for those who destroy life. It is the victim's story, voice and image that defeats and kills him.

On Shakespeare's stage, the sword was defeated by blood. Macbeth suffered defeat after he was in blood stepped in so far, "that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er." Macbeth knew, deep inside him, that "blood will have blood".

This is how the tyrant viewed the sit-in, which has intensified since February 14, 2011. Everything intensified, the photos and images of the martyrs and the victims whom he killed, the injured whom he hurt, the women who were widowed, the children who were orphaned, the men whom he imprisoned, and the citizens whose nationalities he revoked. The Mad King cried: Burn them all.

There is nothing romantic about this, as the victory of blood over the sword only comes when every member of the people leaves the seats of onlookers to write history, a new history that does not create tyrants and does not allow the old tyrants to get away with their crimes and does not offer them an easy end. By this only, the sword shall defeat the sword.

Arabic Version

