
Geneva: Belgium Demands Bahrain to Halt Arbitrary Citizenship Revocations

2017-05-01 - 11:26 p

Bahrain Mirror - Exclusive: Belgium demanded the government of Bahrain to stop arbitrary citizenship revocations against citizens, and demanding it fully implements the recommendations of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) - Bassiouni report.

In its intervention on Monday (May 1, 2017) during the 27th UPR session in Geneva on Bahrain's human rights record, Belgium said that Bahrain did not implement the BICI recommendations, or the 2012 UPR recommendations in full.

Moreover, Belgium expressed concern regarding the "recent developments, especially the ongoing execution of death penalties and citizenship revocations, precisely those leading to the exile of those whose citizenships are revokes and other measures."

It called on Bahrain to halt the arbitrary revocations of citizenships.

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