
GFBTU Third General Conference Binds New Secretariat with Prioritizing Case of Dismissed Workers

2016-03-09 - 1:39 am

Bahrain Mirror: The third general conference of the General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions issued a statement voicing solidarity with the five dismissed unionists and a large banner was hanged in the conference hall around which unionists and guests gathered to sign their names and show their support.

The statement stressed that "the irresponsible dismissal of unionists by employers is a blatant violation of the union trade law in the Kingdom. It is obvious that the sufferings of the dismissed and their families are increasing, especially amid the implementation of austerity policies and the lifting of subsidies."

It further "called on the three parties, mainly the government, represented by the Ministry of Labour, to respect the international laws and rules regarding the freedoms of trade unions and implement the tripartite agreement which Bahrain has ratified under the supervision of the International Labour Organization."

The statement also urged all international and Arab labor organizations to use various means and mechanisms to support the case of the dismissed and proceed their work aimed at establishing the respect of trade union rights and achieving social justice.

The statement also bound the new secretariat with placing the case of the dismissed as a top priority and continue to strive to solve all issues on its agenda.

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