"Min Ahl Al-Jannah" Book Launched Marking 1st Anniv. of Martyr Kadhem Abbas Al-Sehlawi
Marking the first anniversary of martyr Kadhem Abbas Al-Sehlawi, "Min Ahl Al-Jannah" book was launched yesterday (February 5, 2021).
"Protectors of the Last Door": First Book Documenting Diraz Protest and Al-Fida' Square Events
Awal Centre for Studies and Documentation published "Protectors of the Last Door: Testimonies from Al-Fida' Square in Diraz during (June 20, 2016 until May 23, 2017)".
Bahrain Mirror Issues 2019 Roundup
Bahrain Mirror issued the ninth edition of its annual "Roundup" publication, which is a ride around the course of the 2019 events and developments.
Bahrain Mirror Publishes Bahrain Roundup 2017
Bahrain Mirror published the seventh edition of its annual book "Bahrain Roundup 2017" that summarizes the most important political incidents that took place in the 7th year of February 14 uprising in Bahrain.
Ashura in Bahrain, US Embassy Wikileaks
Ashura played highly effective political roles in all stages of Bahrain throughout history. Since the mid-90s, �It was surprising if not at least one political activist was arrested on the backdrop of an anti-government rhetoric, at the height of Ashura and the entire month of Muharram�.
Bahrain Mirror Publishes �Stateless� by �Ali Al-Dairy�
Bahrain Mirror published a book entitled, �Stateless: Stripping of Nationality Explained to Amaseel� by Bahraini critic and author Ali Al-Dairy, August 2017.
The Bahraini Judiciary�Terrorist Pretexts Versus Democratic Demands
What is the reality of criminal justice in Bahrain? Does the Bahraini justice perform its duty impartially and independently?
Plea of Dignity: Sheikh Nimr Al-Nimr
Kytos Cultural Center said it will launch a book entitled "Plea of Dignity", which comprises the plea entered by Sheikh Nimr Al-Nimr, on Friday (April 29, 2016) in the Lancaster Hotel Hazmieh, in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.
Field's Outcomes Book 2014
Bahrain Mirror published "The Field's Outcome" book documenting the political incidents that took place in Bahrain during 2014.
ISIS Among us: The Bahraini Government and the Rise of Jihadi Islam
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The Bahrain Mirror website launched a new publication entitled �ISIS Are Among Us�The Bahraini Government and the Rise of Jihadi Islam,� a dispassionate study of the rise of Salafi jihadism in Bahrain since the start of the �Arab Spring.�
After The Sheikhs: The Coming Collapse of the Gulf Monarchies
First published in English in 2013 by Hurst and then Oxford University Press, After the Sheikhs: The Coming Collapse of the Gulf Monarchies is now in its fourth imprint.