More than 400,000 Private Sector Workers Earn Less than 200 BD per Month

2017-10-19 - 2:53 ص

Bahrain Mirror: According to official statistics, more than 400,000 private sector workers receive monthly salaries under 200 Bahraini dinars, while 33,000 earn salaries ranging from 1,000 to 1,500 BD and more.

Statistics provided by the Central Information Agency show that Bahrainis earning less than 200 dinars monthly are 3,400 employees, while 420 Bahrainis receive salaries below 100 dinars and one woman earns less than 50 dinars a month. On the other hand, half of those earning monthly salaries between 1,000 and 1,500 dinars are Bahraini nationals.

Based on these statistics, the number of people earning at least 50 dinars is 37,321, those who receive salaries between 50-100 dinars amount to 225,878, while 100, 867 employees earn salaries ranging between 100-150 dinars, and 38,197 others earn salaries ranging from 150 to 199 dinars.

Women account for 74% of all Bahrainis who receive monthly salaries below 200 BD, which amounts to 2,560 women, while 1,450 women earn between 150 and 199 dinars monthly.

The number of foreign working females earning the same salaries as their Bahraini counterparts is 18,000, i.e. 13% of the total number of the foreign workforce receiving the same monthly salaries, as the number of foreigners earning the same salaries reaches 136,754.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Labor, the majority of Bahraini women who receive these salaries work part-time or in the kindergarten sector. The majority of Bahrainis work in the clerical, artistic and scientific professions. It is noteworthy that about 700,000 workers are registered in the private sector, and are distributed across 90,000 commercial establishments, according to the figures issued last year by the General Authority for Social Insurance.


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