Bahrain Claims 4 Suspects, Including a Young Woman, Involved in Al-Muharraq Bombing

2015-05-21 - 2:27 ص

Bahrain Mirror: The Chief of the Terror Crime Prosecution, Ahmed Al-Hammadi, stated that an unidentified object near a mosque in Sheikh Khalifa Al-Kabeer Avenue was reported by Al-Muharraq Police Station to the Terror Crime Prosecution (TCP) headquarters on May 10, 2015. A police and intervention force went to the site where an explosive device had been detonated without causing human casualties and another device, a hoax bomb, was found.

The prosecution also claimed that "police investigations" revealed that four suspects, including one young woman, were involved in the plot, and that the first suspect and the fourth, the young woman, were arrested. The first suspect confessed he had agreed with the second wanted suspect to receive an explosive device to be detonated on a street. The explosive device and hoax bomb were delivered to the first suspect at the specified location with instructions to cause a detonation through a remote control. On the day of the incident, the first suspect asked the fourth suspect to drive him where the third suspect who had the explosive device was waiting for him, and then they headed to the explosion site, where the first and second suspects planted the explosive device and hoax bomb near an electric box. They waited near the site until a police patrol passed by and then detonated the bomb by the remote control.

The authorities alleged that the fourth suspect hid the other suspects although knowing that they were wanted by security authorities. The fourth suspect denied the charges against her. The prosecution charged the suspects with the detonation of a bomb and the possession of explosives that could endanger people's lives and properties, with the purpose of carrying out terrorist acts. The prosecution ordered the imprisonment of the suspects pending further investigations and stepping up action to bring the other two suspects to justice and to prepare technical reports.

Human rights organizations challenged the charges raised against the suspects since they doubt the independence of the judiciary, whose members are assigned by royal decrees, and since it issues sentences based on confessions extracted under duress and evidence presented by secret investigations and anonymous witnesses.

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