Government and MPs Agree: Billions in Exchange for Scraps
Based on financial analysis, the government in Bahrain has provided scraps to the country through meager bonuses approved by the MPs and Shura Council members in the meetings of the general budget draft.
People Raise Questions as Public Budget Reaches Parliament
The government, headed by Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, approved the 2023 and 2024 budgets, and referred it to the House of Representatives for discussion and approval.
Does President of Inter-Parliamentary Union Duarte Pacheco Have the Pope's Courage?
When Pope Francis visited Bahrain last November, he clearly spoke about the human rights situation in the country. He was brave enough to speak in front of King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. Is the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) President Duarte Pacheco as courageous as the Pope?
Inter-Parliamentary Union in Bahrain New Attempt to Whitewash Violations Says Former MP
Bahrain will host an international parliamentary meeting from 11 until 15 March in a new attempt to promote the country's ruling system, as the 146th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is to be held in Manama.
Question to Gov't: What's Better More for Unemployment Problem, Support Programs or Bahrainization of Jobs?
Why does the government avoid choosing the right and real solution to the problem of unemployment in the country, especially the specific unemployment among graduates?
Ali Al-Aswad: The Speaker of the Bahraini House of Representatives Said It
We listened to the words of the Speaker of the Bahraini House of Representatives, Ahmed Al-Musallam, who impressed us with his meager leadership - of what is supposed to be the People's House - a statement made in an attempt to intimidate MPs, live on air.
Another Shura Council in Bahrain: King Takes over What's Left of Constitution and Parliament
With a signature and one royal decree, the King of Bahrain oversteps constitutional articles, rendering them mere ink on paper. With one royal decree, the king transformed the House of Representatives into a second Shura Council.
Democracy of Decree Laundering
The term money laundering is said to have originated from the mafia's ownership of laundromats to conceal the source of the money obtained as a result of illicit activities such as drug trafficking, where they equipped laundromats with coin-operated washing machines, and at the end of each day they added some of the drug revenues to the revenues of laundry shops.
Falah Al-Hashem: MPs Don't Know Deputies who Demanded Transformation of VAT Increase Session into Confidential
MP Falah Hashem said that the deputies do not know the names of 10 MPs who submitted a request to Speaker of the Council of Representatives, Fawzia Zainal, to transform the session into confidential. The VAT bill increase from 5 to 10% was passed in the said session.
Bahrain: Parliament Approves 2021-2022 Budget with Deficit Reaching 1.2 Million BD
The House of Representatives approved (Tuesday, March 2, 2021) the State Budget draft for 2021-2022
Parliamentary Question to Justice Minister: What are Your Plans for Expanding Alternative Punishment Program?
MP Ghazi Al Rahma raised a Parliamentary to the Justice Minister Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa about the ministry's preparations for the development and expansion of alternative punishment programs, and the level of cooperation it is carrying out with charities and civil society organizations to implement these programs.
King Issues Decree Limiting PM Discussions to 5 Minutes Only
King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa issued Decree-Law 26/2020, amending Article (173) of Decree-Law 54/2002 regarding the statute of the Council of Representatives.
Rasd Evaluates Performance of Parliament Members in First Legislative Session: Lost in Orbit of Power
Rasd Centre for Studies and Political Researches launched its first reports evaluate the performance of parliamentarians of the Shura Council and the House of Representatives entitled "Lost in Orbit of Power", for the first session of the fifth legislative term (December 2018 - May 2019).
King Adjourns Second Session of Fifth Legislative Term
King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa issued Royal Order 20/2020, adjourning the second session of the fifth Legislative Term of the Shura and Representatives councils, as from Tuesday, May 19.
Editorial: Are Volunteers Today in Fight against Coronavirus the Same Participants of 2011 "Al-Zar Party"?
Are the volunteers today participating in combating the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the same as those who volunteered to take part in the (Honor Field), (Loyalty Swords) and (People's Committees) groups in 2011?
Draft Bill Proposed by Gov't to Parliament Abolishing Death Penalty and Life Imprisonment for Individuals under 18
The Parliament will soon discuss a draft bill proposed by the government on the Youth Criminal Justice Act. One of the most prominent articles mentioned in the draft states that if the offence is punishable by death, it is reduced to temporary imprisonment or at least one-year prison term.
Committee of the House of Representatives Office Decides to Call out MP Masouma Abdulrahim on Her Inappropriate Posts: Newspaper
Al-Ayyam newspaper said that the committee of the House of Representatives office decided at its meeting on Wednesday (February 12) to draw the attention to MP Masouma Abdulrahim regarding what she publishes on her Instagram account and other social media sites, i.e. content that most MPs consider not appropriate for a Parliamentarian.
Scathing Comments on Labor Minister Statement: MPs Comment on Twitter Instead of Parliament
Bahraini ministers who live in luxury villas, and receive monthly salaries and allowances that exceed 7,000 dinars, and enjoy expensive material and livelihood privileges, do not stop issuing statements, from time to time, that provoke Bahrainis who complain about poor financial conditions.
Crown Prince Sends Sharp-Worded Message Insulting MPs, Obliges them, Samir Nass, to Change �Economic Stagnation� Term
Bahrain�s Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa sent a sharp-worded message to all parties that speak negatively about the country�s economic situation, including the House of Representatives.
Abdulnabi Salman Appeals Crown Prince to Intervene to Solve Problem of China Graduates
First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Abdul Nabi Salman, appealed the Crown Prince, Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, to intervene to solve problem of graduates of the Chinese Southwest University.