Recounting the Story of Saeed Al-Hamad on Last Day of his Life
Up until the Peninsula Shield forces entered Bahrain on the evening of March 14, 2011, Saeed Al-Hamad was just an ordinary journalist and essayist. His job was to wait for the articles of the "Al-Ayyam" newspaper writers to reach him by fax or email, send them to the directing department and wait for them.
Al-Wefaq: British Ambassador's Statements Present false Image, Contrary to Reality
Al-Wefaq said that the statements of the British ambassador contain some false information and a change of facts. "The statement attributed to the British ambassador contains information that is contrary to the truth, contradicts the Bahraini reality and presents a false picture of what is happening on the ground."
2019 Roundup: Al-Asfour, Two Tourism Ministry Directors, Two Al-Ayyam Newspaper Journalists Dismissed for Irritating Ruling Family
In 2019, the government issued 3 decisions dismissing Bahrainis, including head of Jaffaira Endowments Sheikh Mohsen Al-Asfour and two journalists from Al-Ayyam newspaper, and officials from the tourism authority. What makes these decisions significant is that they were all taken by senior members of the ruling family or as a result of their anger.
What about the Spearhead, Nabeel Al-Hamr?
Nabeel Al-Hamr became the king�s private companion, who sits under the king�s feet like a loyal puppy, but he out of a sudden bit the king�s two sons at once.
How Did Al-Ayyam Poll Irritate Nasser bin Hamad?
Local Bahraini Al-Ayyam newspaper dismissed head of sports department Akil Al-Sayed as well as sports journalist Abdullah Al-Babetin after the newspaper published a poll recording a drop in the national clubs content with the performance of the Ministry of Youth.
Bahrainis and the Shaikh�s Dog
Trying to avoid angering the Shaikhs of the ruling family in Bahrain has become as difficult as walking in a minefield; every time you take a step, you may trigger a mine that would blow up in your face leading to the punishment that you�ll get for irritating a Shaikh.
Ongoing Campaign in Bahrain Scolds UN High Commissioner Zeid bin Ra�ad for �Forgetting his Arab Origins�
Bahraini government media chose to answer to criticism at HRC by reminding High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid bin Ra�ad, of his Arab origins.