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Reciter Mahdi Sahwan: Head of Manama Police Informed Me of Ban on Reciters Traveling to Commemorate Ashura

Reciter Mahdi Sahwan Talks About His Travel Ban in Video Clip
Reciter Mahdi Sahwan Talks About His Travel Ban in Video Clip

2024-07-08 - 1:42 p

Bahrain Mirror: Reciter Mahdi Sahwan revealed that he received a phone call from the head of Manama Police, informing him that he must come to the station on Thursday, July 6, 2024, the same day he was scheduled to travel to the UK to participate in Ashura commemorations.

In a post on the formerly Twitter "X" platform on Sunday, July 6, 2024, Sahwan said, "I went to the station and met with its chief, who informed me that reciters are banned from traveling abroad and that alerts have been set at Manama Airport to prevent us from traveling."

Sahwan went on to say that he informed the Islamic Center in London that I would not be able to go to the UK due to the official travel ban.


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