
Ayatollah Qassim Says Loudspeakers Ban Suspicious Step that Believers Shouldn't Follow

Sheikh Isa Qassim
Sheikh Isa Qassim

2020-04-24 - 6:13 am

Bahrain Mirror: Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, the spiritual leader of the Shiite majority in Bahrain, considers that citizens are not required to abide by a decision made by the Jaafari Endowments Directorate banning the recitation of the Quran, supplications, and Hussaini Majalis Aza' (elegies) through loudspeakers during the month of Ramadan. He called on the Endowments Directorate to reverse its decision.

"With regard to the decision that the Endowments issued to prevent the recitation of the Quran, supplications and Hussaini Majalis Aza' through loudspeakers during the holy month, I do not see that any believers should abide by it, and this is what's good and what is surely required. The Endowments better withdraw its decision because it has a negative impact on the hearts of citizens, and because it entails harmful interference in the rituals of religion...," said Ayatollah Qassim in a statement issued on Thursday (April 23, 2020).

"The sounds of loudspeakers that are not above the moderate limit cause no harm to anyone, and they have been used for many years," he added.

Sheikh Qassim concluded by stressing that "in any case, the step is suspicious and a foretaste of further interference, and blocking this door is necessary."


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