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Detained Athlete Launches Hunger Strike in Solidarity with “Hasan Mushiama” and In Protest against Being Denied of Treatment

2018-08-20 - 10:13 p

Bahrain Mirror: Twitter account of Nabeel Rajab reported that detainee in Jaw Prison Mohammad Mirza, Bahrain's champion in the Jiu Jitsu sport, started on Saturday (August 18, 2018) an open hunger strike in solidarity with prominent dissident Hasan Mushaima, who has been denied treatment by authorities since one a half years, despite suffering from cancer and chronic diseases.

Mirza announced that his hunger strike comes as a protest against being banned from treatment, noting that he suffers from back problems that require examination by specialized doctor, and against the glass barrier imposed by the authorities during family visits to their sons in prison.

The account said that Mohammad Mirza took this step after the National Institution for Human Rights and Ombudsman failed to guarantee his right to treatment, although he and his family filed several complaints to them and only received promises that didn't change his situation. He also mentioned that he submitted a letter to Jaw Prison administration in which he explained his demands and his decision to start a hunger strike after receiving no response from it.

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