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Families Lose Contact with 6 of their Children Accused of Burning a Patrol Vehicle in Al-Diraz

2015-06-27 - 7:52 p

Bahrain Mirror: A number of families in the Bahraini village of Al-Diraz lost contact with 6 of their children after the security forces arrested them on Sunday (June 21, 2015) and accused them of burning a security patrol vehicle in the area.

The families said that the criminal investigations unit confirmed that it has no knowledge of the place where the 6 children are being held and so was the case of Al-Budai police station.

The deputy chief of public security stated that "7 suspects were arrested over involvement in inciting riots and sabotage and hurling Molotov cocktails at a security patrol in Al-Diraz, which resulted in damaging the vehicle and injuring one of the policemen," before releasing one of the suspects.

The families declared that at least 5 of the children were arbitrarily arrested from one of the Ramadan gatherings near the site where the incident took place and that they were surprised to learn that charges of burning a patrol vehicle were brought against children aged between 14-16 years.

They also demanded that the fate of their children be quickly revealed, expressing fear that their children are being subject to torture.

The Arabic Issue


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