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Bahraini FM Calls on Iraq to Take Serious Stance against Terrorist Trainers

2015-06-10 - 10:00 p

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Minister of Foreign Affairs, Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, demanded that Iraq takes a "serious stance against terrorist trainers" after the Bahraini ministry of interior arrested members alleged to have been trained in Iraq.

The minister posted on his twitter account that "the members of Saraya al-Ashtar group received instructions from Iran and they received military training inside Iraq as well. The training included the use of Kalashnikov, RBG [machine gun] and C4 [explosives]. The members were arrested before they were able to carry out their terrorist acts in Bahrain."

"We expect Iraq, whose war against ISIS terrorism we have joined and which we are defending by all means possible, to take a serious stance against those who train terrorists and send them to Bahrain," he stressed.

The minister further stated: "I wish some people would shut their mouths. Terrorism is official and the plan is obvious. Thanks to our brave security men...You hit the bull's-eye."

The Arabic Issue


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