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Tomb of Sufism Founder in Bahrain Sabotaged

2015-05-30 - 2:39 am

Bahrain Mirror: An unknown group of people attacked and sabotaged the tomb of Sufism founder in Bahrain, Sheikh Muhammed ibn Ali ibn Yaqoob Al-Hijazi, in Al-Muharreq cemetery near Kanoo mosque. Meanwhile, the Imam Malik bin Anas Society said that the attack took place last Friday (on May 22, 2015).

For his part, the president of Imam Malik bin Anas Society, Sheikh Ghassan Al-Obaidly, denounced this attack against the Sheikh Al-Hijazi's tomb, stressing that "the social media witnessed a few days ago a direct incitement by some extremist parties that called for attacking the Sheikh's tomb, for meaningless pretentions aiming at provoking attacks against the tombs of religious scholars and stirring up discord among Muslims."

According to Al-Wasat newspaper, Al-Obaidly called on the competent authorities to follow the case and pursue those involved in the incident, adding that the society sent three letters of condemnation in this regard to the King, Prime Minister and Crown Prince.

In the same context, Bashar Al-Hadi tweeted: "The Takfiri mentality that attacked Sa'sa'a bin Sohan Al-Abdi's tomb is the same that attacked Al-Hiajzi's."

The Arabic Issue


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